Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli enzymes create an optimal environment for microflora propagation on skin surface, actively promoting regeneration and recovery process, improving skin immunity and activating epidermis resources.
Adenosine increases collagen and elastin production in skin, it is used as a highly effective treatment to reduce age wrinkles and smoothing the skin.
Due to its ability to slow down the aging process, it effectively improves wrinkles, it has a powerful cytoprotective effect and protects cells from oxidation, affects the synthesis of procollagen-1, responsible for the elasticity and skin tone.
Galactomyces extract intensively moisturizes skin, increases its immunity and protects skin cells from exposure to UV rays accelerates the synthesis of collagen and glycoproteins, thereby improving the protective mechanisms of the skin. The skin becomes elastic and soft.
Niacinamide helps to reduce visible signs of aging, improves firmness, reduces signs of hyperpigmentation, lightens discolorations, and traces of post-acne, helps to regulate sebum production, gradually normalizing it.
One of the most powerful action of Niacinamide is its real efficiency of removal of spots after acne, pimples and blackheads.
How To Use
First apply a toner, for example Galactomyces Clearskin Toner.
Take a few drops of essence in your palm and gently spread over the skin.
Dry/very dry skin: 6-7 drops.
Normal/oily skin: 4-5 drops.
It is recommended to be applied in the morning and evening, you can add/mix cream for face and/or eyes.