Ground Cherry (Physalis Peruviana) aka Inca Berry, Cape Gooseberry or Peruvian cherry, is a tasty rare fruit indigenous to South America.

The plant has nice yellow flowers with purple centers and an inflated calyx (the green whorl that encloses the flower petals in a protective layer) followed by tons of tasty yellow berries enclosed in a papery husk. The berries are great for eating fresh or to make into jams, sauces, pies and other desserts. Berries can be eaten fresh or added to salads. Easy to grow, can be container grown.

Sowing: Start seeds indoors before last frost, 75F soil germination temperature, In fine well-drained soil plant seeds 1/6" deep. Keep soil moist during germination. Germination is 8-15 days depending upon growing conditions. Transplant seedlings to 18" apart when temperatures are warm (after plants are set out).