Number 171 of 450
Certificate of Authenticity included.

A classic head-to-head combat between Spitfire and Me109 fought over the south coast of England on 25th August, 1940. Scrambled to intercept a raid approaching the Isle of Wight, Squadron Leader Sandy Johnstone hurriedly climbed his 602 Squadron Spitfires to 15,000. In spite of short notice, the Spitfires intercepted the large force of 50 Ju88s and Do17s, escorted by Me109s and 110s, before they reached the target. The CO downed a Me110 by blowing off its tail unit before becoming embroiled in a one-on-one dogfight with a Me109 – Nick's painting captures the action – the CO despatching the enemy aircraft to notch up his second victory of the day. 602's tally amounted to 13 aircraft destroyed, without loss. Prints are signed by Sandy Johnstone and 602 Squadron Battle of Britain pilots

Squadron Leader          Sandy Johnstone
Wing Commander        Paddy Barthrop
Air Commodore            C J Mickey Mount
Squadron Leader          S Nigel Rose
Air Commodore            Paul Webb
Wing Commander        Hector MacLean
Flying Officer                Hugh Niven
Wing Commander        Donald M Jack

Shipped in Original Cylinder Tube.