Easy effortlessly cleaning brass, metals, stainless steel, etc..

You can use it for cleaning kitchen, shower stalls, furniture hardware restoration and many more applications ...

This is one of the most effective powder cleaner, Made in Italy, I ever seen.

Give it a try you won’t be disappointed!

See the pictures of the nightstand brass hardware we cleaned. Took less than 10min with a damp cloth scrubbing it and it shines like new.

Lagostina "Polvere di Stelle"

•   Removes wholes types of stains on stainless steel

•   Specially designed for cleaning kitchen utensils, stainless steel pots and objects

•   For use with a little water

•   No risk in case of skin contact

•   No risk in case of contact with eyes (rinse with water)

•   90% biodegradable product

You have to try it to believe it...it can effectively clean or remove grease off your kitchen vent hood, stainless utensils, sink, pots and pans. Just dampen the cloth and dab little bit of the Lagostina cleaner and after few stokes it removes sparkly clean. Guarantee to work. 

Each can weighs 750g and can last you between 9-12 months of cleaning.

specifico per la pulizia delle pentole e dell acciaio

specific for the cleaning of the stainless pots


To maintain stainless steel utensils, venthood and keep all their splendor to shine for years. 

Specially designed for cleaning kitchen utensils and pans.