This is a very unique pair, if I do say so myself. Each cufflink face is an actual compass. So that means when you are walking around and place your wrist level, the dials inside your cufflinks will spin to orient themselves with the Earth’s own magnetic field, indicating which direction you are going or want to go. As long as you aren’t placing your cufflink next to something magnetic, the reading will be accurate!

I know what you’re saying: when is the next time I will be lost in the woods wearing a suit? Valid. Unless you have been kidnapped, that probably won’t happen. BUT the last time I was in downtown Chicago, a city I am not familiar with, I noticed it was very much like being lost in the woods because the buildings obstructed my view and my sense of direction. Had I had a compass available, I would have been able to orient my map correctly the first time and know where I was going! Also, my phone was dead… or I could have just used Google Maps… THESE ARE STILL COOL.

Perfect for businessmen, weddings, birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, gifts, graduations, vacations, or for guys who love to camp, fish, hunt or be outdoorsy but need to clean up once in a while and wear dress shirts.

These are made with pride in the USA! Please support American manufacturing and small business!

If you have any questions or would like to discuss prices, please feel free to message me 🙂

Made to order.

Do you need a beautiful wooden box for your cufflinks? Add a custom wood cuff links case with your order. Select your wood from almost 100 varieties. Engraving is an option to make them personalized and special. We will make the cufflink spaces in the box according to the space requirements of the cufflink pair they are for. Find them here at this link:

If that link doesn't work, just simply go to my eBay store and click the shop category on the left called Decorative Wooden Boxes.