I have some Digimon Mini Figures Collection Bandai RARE to sellSize ranges from approximately 1.5 to 3 inches tall.The complete list here, choose yours:

Agumon, Agumon #2, Andromon, Angewomon, Apemon, Armadimon, Arukenimon, Arukenimon Human, Betamon, Birdramon, Blossomon, Calumon, Cherubimon, Chibimon, Delumon, Devimon, Diaboromon, Divermon, Drimogemon, Ebidramon, Etemon, Flamedramon, Frigimon, Gabumon, Garudamon, Gekomon, GeoGreymon (silver), Golemon, Gomamon, Gorillamon, Guardromon, Gummymon, Hawkmon, Hercules Kabuterimon, Holsmon, Ikkakumon, Infermon, Kabuterimon, Kabuterimon(missing horn), Kimeramon, Kiwimon, Kokatorimon, Koromon, Kunemon, Kuramon, Kuwagamon, Lalamon, Leafmon, Lilamon (silver), Lopmon, MagnaAngemon, Magnadramon, Magnamon, Mamemon, Mammon, Megadramon, Meramon, Metal Garurumon, Metal Greymon (missing wings), MetalSeadramon, Minomon, Minotarumon, Mojyamon, Monochromon, Monzaemon, Mori Shellmon, Mummymon, Mummymon Human, Mushmon, Nanimon, Nefertimon, Numemon, Okuwamon, Paildramon, Patamon, Piemon, Piyomon, Piximon, Poromon, Pururumon, Qinglongmon, Rapidmon Armor, Revolmon, Rize Greymon, Saber Leomon, Saber Leomon(missing tooth), Seadramon, Shakkoumon, Silphymon, SkullGreymon, Snimon, Starmon, Stingmon, Submarimon, Tentomon, Terriermon, Thunderballmon, Tsubumon, Tsunomon, Tuskmon, Tyranomon, Unimon, Upamon, Vademon, Veemon, Vegiemon, Venom Vamdemon, WereGarurumon, Whamon, Wizarmon, Woodmon, Wormmon, Yamato Matt Ishida, Zudomon

They all have been used, so they can have some scratches, ink marks and abrasion. You can ask me for more pictures if you want, send me message for that.

I have other Pokemon and Digimon rare items, so check in my other items.

All items will be sent with a tracking number.