Description : 

To My Sole Desire woven European tapestry panel features a scene from the "Lady and the Unicorn" series of Belgian tapestries. Also referred to as "A Mon Seul Desir", this panel features a scene from the "Lady and the Unicorn" series of Belgian tapestries. The unicorn and the lion are seen near the Lady and her hand maiden, putting her necklace into the chest held by her maiden. It is a detail from the work called A Mon Seul Desir. The origins and meanings of the tapestries remain a mystery, however they were thought to be created upon the request of the le Viste family which are represented by their heraldry in the flags.

Weight & Dimensions : 
 A - H 18 x W 18(Cushion Cover): 1.00 lb

Product Type : 
Cushion Cover.

Color :

Composition :  
100% Cotton,  

Shape : 

Finish : 
Cushion cover backed with lining and zipper. Infill not included.