enhancement pills - TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS 1000MG 120 Tabs - tribulus seeds 2B

Tribulus Terrestris 1000 mg.

Powerful Testosterone Libido And Sex Drive Booster 

Sport Nutrition And Vitamins
Certified And Made In USA

(2 Bottle 120 Tablets)

Product Benefits

      • Highest Potency of Standardized Tribulus Terrestris Extract.
      • Minimum of 40% Saponins & 19% Protodioscin. Pure and Premium Quality.
      • Exceptional value - 60 high concentration tribulus tablets.
      • No artificial color, flavor or sweetener, no preservatives and no sugar
      • OUR GUARANTEE: - Made in USA FDA & GMP Certified Facilities 100% Pure and Natural Ingredients

TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS 1000MG: Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris) is a plant that grows in the Mediterranean and in subtropical and desert regions around the world including India, Vietnam, China, Spain, Mexico, and Bulgaria. As part of Indian and Chinese traditional uses, the roots and the fruits of tribulus were considered remedies for numerous health problems and general health tonics. Its historical uses include boosting libido and sex drive, fighting urinary tract problems and more!

TRIBULUS ACTIVE COMPONENTS: The saponins and flavonoids found in tribulus are mainly responsible for the major benefits and effects of the plant. Extracts of tribulus are usually standardized to contain a certain percentage of saponins. Other active components found in the Tribulus plant include amino acids, organic acids, and more.

IMPROVE MALE SEXUAL HEALTH: This miraculous little plant has long been used to help with erectile issues in men, and recent studies have proven this to be true. Tribulus it is a natural ingredient that will help with erectile issues in all men. So if you have that problem dont hesitate to add this wonderful supplement to your diet.

BEST HEART HEALTH: According to online health resource WebMD, studies have shown that Tribulus can help keep your heart healthy. Tribulus contains a substance which helps to maintain arterial health which benefits your heart, but that has the bonus of freeing up blood flow to the sexual areas.

BOOST MUSCLE MASS AND STRENGTH: According to Iron Magazine, after extensive review, tribulus offers benefits to your muscle strength and mass. Tribulus can help to boost testosterone levels which in return quickens the process of protein synthesis and promotes positive nitrogen balance. This in turn speeds up the recovery of muscle fibers from the effects of a rigorous workout session. When this happens, the person can lift weights more often, and at a greater intensity level.

LIBIDO BOOSTER AND SEX DRIVE ENHANCER: A widely-circulated review newspaper called A Daily Newspaper reported on the effects of the extract in bodybuilding sometime in February 2010. It mentioned the results of studies done in Bulgaria that showed the supplement’s role in enhancing libido and sex drive.

ENERGY AND IMMUNE SYSTEM ENHANCER: Both the Truly Huge and All Star Health websites claim that tribulus will help increase one’s energy levels. It is also believed to improve the immune system and enhance the overall mood. A happy disposition and a stronger immune system work together in energizing the body.

LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE: The second way tribulus helps to keep your heart healthy and support it, is by lowering your blood pressure. In one study cited by Self Hack, subjects were treated with 3g of Tribulus Terrestris daily and, after one week, they all showed significantly lower levels of blood pressure.

*Direction Will Be On The Bottle When Received*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Dug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.