Oxbow's complete and balanced chinchilla food is formulated to meet your pet's unique nutritional needs. We begin with hand-selected Alfalfa Hay to provide the fiber essential to optimal digestive health. We add wholesome ingredients and vital nutrients to support daily function and performance. In this bag, and beyond, we promise only the best for your pet.

Essentials - Chinchilla Food, an alfalfa-based pellet, is specifically designed to meet the unique nutritional needs of the pet chinchilla. Chinchillas are strict herbivores and a diet high in fiber is essential to maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Feeding Directions

Young Animals:
Feed Essentials - Chinchilla Food free-choice to chinchillas younger than one year of age. Supplement daily with a combination of free-choice grass hay and alfalfa.

Adult Animals:
Chinchillas older than one year of age should be fed 1/8 - 1/4 cup Essentials. Chinchilla Food and free-choice grass hay.

Alfalfa hay should only be fed as an occasional treat.