by J. G. Thompson, Jr.

A much-needed advanced treatise devoted to the mentalist's greatest aid: the Center Tear.
In this book, this mentalist's move is dissected and explained with all the typical Thompson thoroughness. You'll learn:
  • Methods of getting the data written in the right spot
  • Methods of doing the tearing the billet
  • Methods of performing the steal
  • Methods of and timing for the all-important "read"
PLUS many hints, suggestions, routines and "outs" as used by working professionals. If you use the "center-tear" principle (and you should), you'll find many valuable variations for your routine in this book.
If you're not using this principle, you're missing a good thing. CENTERMENTAL gives you all the information you need to know to start using this essential tool of the psychic entertainer.
Contains advanced methods, techniques and subtlety from Al Baker, Dai Vernon, Irv Weiner, Ray Hyman, H. P. Graham, Al Koran, Corvello, Herbert Hood, Milbourne Christopher, Corinda, Gerald Kosky, George B. Anderson, Bob Somerfeld and others.

Soft cover, 24 pages, saddle-stitched.

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