EGGPLANT Heirloom Mix  - 30+ Seeds

This Heirloom Eggplant Mix offers a colourful variety of eggplants, which include Black Beauty, Casper, Thai Purple Ball, Ping Tung Long, Oriental White, Little Finger, Rosa Bianca, Thai Round Green, Long Purple, Red Ruffle, Tsakoniki to name a few. 

The seeds of all these eggplants will be randomly mixed in ONE SINGLE packet

You will grow a kaleidoscope of eggplants never seen in supermarkets – various shapes, sizes, colours (black, purple, green, red, white) and diverse tastes is on the cards when you start growing these beauties – the surprise factor will end once fruit will be formed!  


Begin seeds indoors 8 to 10 weeks before planning to set out. Eggplant loves heat, so the seeds germinate best at about 24 degrees C - use a heat mat if possible, beneath or seed flat, or find another source of bottom heat if your house is cooler than this. Cover the seeds lightly if sowing in a seed flat; They will germinate in about 1 to 2 weeks. 

The seedlings crave heat and light; give them all you can (grow lights are wonderful, but kitchen fluorescents work well too if the seedlings are placed directly beneath them) and feed them weekly. They are ready to transplant whenever they have at least 2 sets of true leaves but wait until the outside weather is thoroughly warm before transplanting into a garden or patio container.