(1914 – 1918)



A truly unique and wonderful collection of over 600 World War 1 maps, books and documents compiled together for the first time on one USB flash drive.


This stunning virtual treasure trove includes:

-       Over 400 maps in standard JPEG format

-       NY Times History of The War (20 Vols)

-       The Story of The Great War, illustrated with drawings, maps and photographs (12 Vols)

-       The Times History Of The War (22 Vols)

-       Nelson's History of the War (23 Vols)

-       War office despatches

-       Over 60 books

+ additional documents!


This collection of WW1 maps is the most complete library available on ebay today and is an essential tool for anyone with an interest in World War 1 and in particular the situations faced by the men at the time. Frontlines and positions could change dramatically in a matter of hours and nothing helps demonstrate this better than maps and aerial photographs. Whilst many have been professionally produced others are original sketches used at the time to rapidly illustrate enemy and allied positions.



The Full List of Maps Included is as Follows:


Aerial photograph of Messines, 2 June 1917


Aisne Defensive, June 1-5, 1918 - - Chateau Thierry Sector, June 6-July 14, 1918 (Map No. 1)


Aisne Defensive, June 1-5, 1918 - Chateau Thierry Sector, June 6-July 16, 1918


Aisne-Marne Offensive - July 18-23, 1918


Aisne-Marne Offensive - July 25-August 6, 1918


Aisne-Marne Offensive, 1st Division July 18-23, 1918


Aisne-Marne Offensive, August 1-6, 1918 - Fismes Sector, August 7-17, 1918 - Oisne-Aisne Offensive, August 18-September 7, 1918


Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 18-20, 1918


Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 18-23, 1918


Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 18-29, 1918 (Map No. 3)


Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 24-August 6, 1918 - Vesle Sector, August 7-12, 1918


Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 27-August 6, 1918


Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 28-31, 1918


Ansauville Sector, September 2-11, 1918 - St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16, 1918


Anzac 1916


ANZAC Reproduction of captured German trench map (20 Sept 1917)


Artois Sector, July 22-August 7, 1918 - Somme Offensive, August 8-18, 1918


Attack at Beaumont-Hamel Nov 1916


Attack on Achi Baba Shelling


Aubreville Sector, September 19-25, 1918 - Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-October 7, 1918


Australian Corps Campaign France 1918


Avocourt Sector, September 13-25, 1918 - Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-October 3, 1918


Avocourt Sector, September 23-25, 1918 - Meuse-Argonne Offensiv, September 26-October 3, 1918


Baltic Russia - German Amphibious Operations in the Baltic Islands, 10 - 20 October 1917


Bataille_de_Gallipoli_1915_tete_de_pont_de_La_Suvla 1915


Battle of Marne 1 1914


Battle of Marne 2 1914


Battle of Marne 3 1914


Battle of Marne 4 1914


Battle of Marne 5 1914


Battle of Marne 6  - Subsequent German Retreat 1914


Battle and capture of Hamel July 4th 1918


Battle of Arras 1918


Battle of Beersheba - Ottoman Defences 1917


Battle of Beersheba British Army Section Map El Arish to Beersheba Jan 1917


Battle of Beersheba Infantry approaches from near Karm towards Beersheba 30-31 Oct 1917


Battle of Beersheba Infantry approaches from near Karm towards Beersheba 30-31 Oct 1917


Battle of Beersheba Infantry deployment before their attack from the west 1917


Battle of Beersheba Infantry deployment before their attack from the west 1917


Battle of Beersheba teh capture, approach march and attack AUs Mounted Corps 31 Oct 1917


Battle of Beersheba the capture, approach march and attack AUs Mounted Corps 31 Oct 1917


Battle of Belleau Wood - Location of U.S. Marine forces 6 June 1918


Battle of Bellenglise 1918


Battle of Broodseinde - Trench map showing disposition of the 2nd Autralian Division 1917


Battle of Cambrai 20 Nov-7 Dec 1917


Battle of Cambrai_area_1917


Battle of Cantigny May 1918


Battle of Chateau-Thierry June 1918


Battle of Chateau-Thierry June1-5 1918


Battle of Chateau-Thierry June28-July 14 1918


Battle of Chuignes and Bray, August 23rd, 1918


Battle of Dogger Bank Jan 24th 1915


Battle of Festubert - April 24-25 1915


Battle of Gallipoli - Turkish map of Cape Helles to Krithia


Battle of Guillemont  1916


Battle of Guillemont German defensive lines July–September 1916


Battle of Gully Ravine 02 28th June 1915


Battle of Gully Ravine 28th June - 5th July Result of the battle1915


Battle of Gully Ravine 28th June 1915


Battle of Gumbinnen - Map of the battle and German retreat


Battle of Gumbinnen Eastern Front, August 17–23, 1914


Battle of Haelen 01 Map of area of Battle of Haelen (1914)


Battle of Haelen 02 Operations at Haelen, 1914


Battle of Haelen 03 Operations at Hauthem, 18 August 1914


Battle of Haelen 04 Map of area of Belgian field army deployment, August 1914


Battle of Hamel July 4th 1918


Battle of Havrincourt 1918


Battle of Heligoland Bight 1914


Battle of Istabulat 1917


Battle of Le Cateau 26th August 1914


Battle of Liege 1914


Battle of Lone Pine Captured Trenches 1915


Battle of Lone Pine Tunnel Map 1915


Battle of Megiddo Palestine 1917 = Situation 19-25 Sept


Battle of Menin Road- Australian situation map


Battle of Messines, II ANZAC Corps attack plan


Battle of Messines-planning map (cropped)


Battle of Mount Sorrel Battle Map June 6 1916


Battle of Mughar Ridge Yeomanry Charge 1917


Battle of Mughar Ridge Yeomanry Charge 1917


Battle of Neuve-Chapelle 02


Battle of Neuve-Chapelle 03


Battle of Neuve-Chapelle 04 German Trenches in front of Neuve Chapelle 1915


Battle of Neuve-Chapelle 05 Trenches


Battle of Neuve-Chapelle 06


Battle of Neuve-Chapelle


Battle of Piave River Italy 15 June to 6 July 1918


Battle of Poelcappelle - barrage map for II ANZAC Corps


Battle of Poelcappelle - message map showing troop disposition around Broodseinde at 6am 10 October 1917


Battle of Poelcappelle - message map showing troop disposition around Broodseinde at 6am 10 October 1917_2


Battle of Poelcappelle - Trench-map of disposition of 2nd Autralian Div at zero hour 9 October 1917


Battle of Qurna - Situartion 31 July 1915


Battle of Qurna 1914 - Lower Mesopotami Anglo-Indian Invasion


Battle of Ramadi 1917


Battle of Romani dispsition of various armies 4 Aug 1916


Battle of Sair Bair - Map of the Turkish counter-attack, 9–10 August 1915


Battle of Sandfontein 1914


Battle of Stalluponen - East Prussia, August 17 – 23, 1914


Battle of Tanga 1914 - German Victory at Tanga starts the East Africa Campaign


Battle of Tanneberg Situation 30 August 1914


Battle Of Tannenberg - Movements of 23–26 August 1914 Red Germans, blue Russians


Battle of the Aisne - 14 September THE FIGHT FOR THE CHEMIN DES DAMES


Battle of the Aisne - Situation Map 12 September


Battle of the Aisne


Battle of the Falkland Islands, 1914.


Battle of the Frointiers 1914


Battle of the Frontiers - Summary


Battle of the Hohenzollern Redoubt trench map2


Battle of the Suez Canal Egypt 28 January - 4 February 1915


Battle of the Yser 1914 = Yser_inundations_and_western_approaches_to_Houthoulst_Forest,_1914


Battle of the Yser




Battle_of_Broodseinde - rough_attack planning map 1917






Battle_of_Messines_Map - Ypres, Belgium and Vicinity Situation 7 June 1917 to 14 June










Beaumont-Hamel 1-7Gordon~Nov16


Bethincourt Sector, September 22-25, 1918 - Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-29


Butaniyeh - Nasiriyeh (Mesopotamia) 2nd Royal West Kent Feb 1916


Callaghan Map - Anzac 1915  RC05680


Campaign in Egypt and Palestine


Campaign in Italy 1st Eleven battles of Isonzo 1915-17


Campaign in Italy 1915-17


Campaign in Italy Battle of Caportto (12th battle of Isonzo)  to 12 Nov 1917


Campaign in Italy Battle of Piave to 6 July 1918


Campaign in Italy Battle of Vittorio Veneto 24 Oct to end hostilities 1918


Campaign in Mesopotania


Campaign of Mesopotania


Canal Sector, July 16-August 18, 1918 - Ypres-Lys Offensive, August 19-September 4, 1918


Cape Helles 1915 Turkish Map 19G7432G1S65VIII61A


Cape Helles Landing Sketch Map April 1915


Cape Helles


Capture of Cantigny, May 28, 1918 - Cantigny Sector, April 19-June 8 and June 14-July 13, 1918 - Montdidier-Noyon Defensive, June 9-13, 1918


Capture of Hamel, July 4, 1918


Central Europe, 1914,, Eastern Front, War Plans and Concentration Areas


Champagne-Marne Defensive, July 15-17, 1918 (Map No. 2)


Chateau Thierry Sector, June 28-July 14, 1918 - Champagne Marne Defensive, July 15-18, 1918 - Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 18-27, 1918 (Map No. 1)


Chateau Thierry Sector, June 28-July 14, 1918 - Champagne-Marne Defensive, July 15-18, 1918 - Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 18-27, 1918 (Map No. 2)


Clermont Sector, September 19-25, 1918 - Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-October 10, 1918


Dardanelles Campaign Defences and Landings 1915


Dardanelles Campaign General Situation 1 Jan 1915


Dardanelles Campaign Second Attack Aug 1915


Dardanelles Campaign Various Landings 1915


Dardanelles, Th - Bombardment of the entrance forts Feb 19th 1915


Dardanelles, The - Approaches to


Dardanelles, The - Relief map of Operations


Dardanelles, The. - attack on the narrows March 18th 1915jpg


Dardanelles, The


Dickebusch Lake and Scherpenberg Sector, July 25-August 18, 1918 - Ypres-Lys Offensive, August 19-September 3, 1918


Disposition of German artillery north of Ypres - 8 April 1917


Dispositions Battles of Mons and Charleroi, 21–23 August 1914


East Prussia 1914 First Battle of the msurian Lakes 5-9 Sept


East Prussia 1914 First Battle of the msurian Lakes 10-13 Sept


East Prussia The Battle of Tannenberg, Situation Eveneing of 26 August 1914


East Prussia The Battle of Tannenberg, Situation Eveneing of 30 August 1914


East Prussia The Tannenberg Campaign, Situation 23 August 1914


Eastern Europe, 1914 and Operations in central Europe, During 1918


Eastern Europe, 1914 and Planned Army Concentration Areas in Central Europe, 1914


Eastern France and Belgium, 1914 - Advance of German Right Wing, The Battle of Frontiers


Eastern Front 1914-15 Winter battle of Masuria Situation 7 Feb 1915 and Operations to 18 Feb


Eastern Front Campaign in Southwest Poland. Situation 1 November 1914


Eastern Front to 26 September 1914


Eastern Front, March 1916


Eaucourt L'Abbaye (Somme) Oct 1916


Egypt & Palestine details of infantry approach marches June 1917


Esperance-Souain Sector, July 5-14, 1918 - Champagne-Marne Defensive, July 15-18, 1918


Eurasia 1914 - Ottoman Empire and Turkish Rail System


Europe Siutation 1914


Europe, Boundary Realignments Resulting from the War


Fall of Jerusalem - Defence at 6pm 30th Dec 1917


Fall of Jerusalem 1917


Fall of Jerusalem Campaign in Palestine Dec 1917


Fall of Jerusalem Operations at 6pm 19th Nov 1917


Fall of Jerusalem Operations at 6pm 19th Nov 1917


Fall of Jerusalem Passage of the Nahr El Auja 20-21 Dec 1917


Fall of Jerusalem Passage of the Nahr El Auja 20-21 Dec 1917


Fall of Jerusalem Situation at 16 Nov 1917


Fall of JerusalemTurkish Counter-Offensive  Situation at 6pm 28 Nov 1917


Fall of JerusalemTurkish Counter-Offensive  Situation at 6pm 28 Nov 1917


First Advance on Baghdad, and the First and Second Battles of Kut


First Battle of Arras - Map Reciprocal attempts of the French and Germans to outflank to the north, 15 September - 8 October 1914


First Battle of Champagne 1914


First Battle of the Masurian Lakes 1


First Battle of the Masurian Lakes 2


First Battle of Ypre 1914 - Map


First Battle of Ypres 1914 - Locations_of_the_Allied_and_German_armies,_19_October_1914


First Battle of Ypres 1914 21st Oct




Foch's campaign18 July to 11 November 1918


Foret d'Argonne Sector, September 19-25, 1918 - Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-October 16, 1918


Frezenberg (Ypres) 2-4th Royal Berkshire Regiment Aug 1917




Gallipoli -  Fusilier Bluff, Y Beach and part of Gully Ravine


Gallipoli - Battlefield arund Krithia


Gallipoli Southern Beaches


Gallipoloi April 1915 Turkish Map RC02687


Gaza 1-8th Hampshire Regiment Nov 1917


Gaza 1-8th Hampshire Regiment Nov 1917_2


Gaza 1-8th Hampshire Regiment Nov 1917_3




Gorlice-Tarnow Breakthrough and Russian Withdrawal, 1 May - 30 September 1915


Grange-Le-Comte Sector, September 21-25, 1918 - Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-October 3, 1918


Helles Landing Dardanelles Campaign early May 1915


Hill70 - Map of harassing fire 11th May 1917


Hinges 2nd Suffolk Regiment Apr 1918


Jutland  - Deployment of Ships Showing all positions at 6-30 pm May 31st 1916


La Quinque Rue (Festubert) June 1915


Landing at Suvla Bay 1915


Leane Map Gallipoli


Lievin 1 5th South Staffordshire Juluy 1917


Limey Sector, September 9-11, 1918 - St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16, 1918


Lone Pine - ANZAC trench and tunnel map


Lower Mesopotamia, Situation 31 July 1915


Lower Mesopotania 1914, Kut and Vicinity 1915


Lucey Sector, August 4-September 11, 1918 - St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16, 1918 - Euvezin Sector, September 17-October 8, 1918


Lys Offensive and the Somme Offensive 1918


Maclaurin map Gallipoli


Map of German troop disposition around Saint-Quentin on 22 April 1917


Map Symbols




Marbache Sector and Woevre Plain Operation, October 8-November 11, 1918


Marbache Sector, August 17-September 11, 1918 - St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16, 1918 - Marbache Sector, September 17-20, 1918


Mesopotamia and Palestine - General situation ar capture of Baghdad 11 March 1917


Messines-Wytschaete area 1917


Meuse Argonne Offensive, October 17-November 11, 1918 - North Sheet


Meuse-Argonne (Champagne) Offensive, October 5-29, 1918


Meuse-Argonne (Champagne) Offensive, September 26-October 8, 1918


Meuse-Argonne (Champagne) Offensive, September 29-October 14, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive - October 5-November 1, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive - October 26 - November 11, 1918 (North Sheet)


Meuse-Argonne Offensive - October 26-November 11, 1918 (South Sheet)


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, November 2-10, 1918 - South Sheet


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, November 2-11, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, November 2-November 10, 1918 - North Sheet


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 5-30, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 5-November 11, 1918 (Map A)


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 5-November 11, 1918 (Sheet B)


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 10-November 5, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 13-November 11, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 14-November 11, 1918 - North Sheet


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 14-November 11, 1918 - South Sheet


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 17-November 11, 1918 - South Sheet


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 17-November 11, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 21-November 11, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 23-November 8, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 24-November 11, 1918 (North Sheet)


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 24-November 11, 1918 (South Sheet)


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October 26-November 11, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-November 1, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-October 5, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-October 20, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-October 20


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 29-November 2, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 29-October 12, 1918


Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 30-October 13, 1918


Moeuvres - Inchy en Artois 1-4th London Regiment Nov 1917


Moeuvres 1-4th London Regiment Nov 1917


Morcourt-to-Mericourt battle map 1918


Naval Operations 1914


NorthEastern Europe 1914 Operations to 26 Sept  1914


Northwest Europe, 1914 - Allied Retreat, 26-30 August 1914


Northwest Europe, 1914 - Allied Retreat, 30 August - 5 September


Northwest Europe, 1914 - German Withdrawal to the Aisne and Stablization of the Front


Northwest Europe, 1914, Western Front, The Schlieffen Plan and the French Plan


Northwestern Italy, 1915 - 1917 - The Battle of the Caporetto, 24 October - 12 November 1917


Oise-Aisne Offensive, August 18-September 6, 1918


Oise-Aisne Offensive, September 15-November 11, 1918 - Map No.1


Oise-Aisne Offensive, September 15-November 11, 1918 - Map No.2


Operations of S.M.S. Moewe 1916


Oppy and Gavrelle (Arras sector) 1-7th London Regiment Sept 1917


Palestine -  third Battle of Gaza and the Capture of Jerusalem


Palestine - The Battle of Megiddo, 19 - 25 September 1918


Pas-Fini Sector, July 3-14, 1918 - Champagne-Marne Defensive, July 15-18, 1918 - Aisne-Marne Offensive, July, 18-31-1918


Passchendaele Army Barrage Plans


Péronne and Mont St. Quentin Aug 29 - Sep 2nd 1918




Position of the Armies on the Western Front at the eve of World War I


Positions W and NW of Lens June 1917


Puvenelle Sector and Woevre Plain Operation, October 8-November 11, 1918


Quinns Post Anzac


Raid on Nash Alley near Lens June 1917


Raid on Zeebrugge Blocking Action 1918


Rupt Sector, September 5-11, 1918 - St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16, 1918 - Troyon Sector - September 17-October 8, 1918


Second Battle of Passchendaele - German Trench Map (2)


Second Battle of Passchendaele - German Trench Map


Second Battle of Passchendaele - Third Stage (Nov 6) Barrage Map 1917


Second Battle of Ypres - Line at midnight 22-23rd April 1915


Second_Battle_of_Passchendaele_-_German_Trench_Map 1917


Second_Battle_of_Passchendaele_-_Third_Stage_(Nov_6)_Brigade_Planning_Map 1917


Siege of Antwerp - Map of the fortifications around Antwerp in August 1914


Siege of Antwerp first sortie, 25–26 August


Siege of Antwerp second sortie, 25–26 August


SMS Dresden - The search for and destruction of 1914-15


Somme Defensive - March 21-April 6, 1918


Somme Offensive - September 23-October 2, 1918


Somme Offensive - September 24 - October 2, 1918


Somme Offensive, August 8-20, 1918


Somme Offensive, October 3-22, 1918 - Map No. 1


Somme Offensive, October 3-22, 1918 - Map No. 2


Somme Offensive, October 3-22, 1918


Sommerviller Sector - First German Raid on American Troops, November 3, 1917


St. Die Sector - Capture of Frapelle - August 17, 1918


St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16, 1918 - Essey-Pannes Sector, September 17-October 1, 1918


St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16, 1918 - Limey Sector, September 17-October 6, 1918


Strategical Plan of the Bombardment of Yarmouth and Lowestoft 25th April 1916


Suez and Sinai region 1917


Suez canal Attacks 1915


Suez canal launching pontoon boat attack 28 Jan 1915


Suez Canal Turkish Attack 3rd Feb 1915


Suvla Bay and ANZACCove, Gallipoli Diary


Tactical Plan of the bombardment of Yarmouth and Loestoft 25th April 1916


The Advances of the Third Division—March to May, 1918


The Attack on Verdun 1916


The Australian Victories in France in 1918 - Advances of Australian Corps, September 2nd to 17th, 1918


The Australian Victories in France in 1918 - Australian Corps Campaign


The Australian Victories in France in 1918 - Battle of Chuignes and Bray, August 23rd, 1918


The Australian Victories in France in 1918 - Battle of Hamel, July 4th, 1918


The Australian Victories in France in 1918 - Battle of September 18th, 1918


The Australian Victories in France in 1918 - Breaching of Hindenburg Defences Sept-Oct 1918


The Australian Victories in France in 1918 - MAP C—Battle of August 8th, 1918


The Australian Victories in France in 1918 - MAP H—Breaching of Hindenburg Defences


The Australian Victories in France in 1918 - Péronne and Mont St. Quentin


The Balkans - Allied Operations in Salonika and Final Invasion of Serbia, 7 October 1915


The Balkans - The Salonikan Front, 1915 - 1916


The Battle of Guise, 1914 August 29th


The Battle of Jutland, 30 -31 May 1916


The Battle of Messines, Third Battle of Ypres and the Battle of Cambrai 1917


The Battle of the Aisne. September 14th, 1914


The Battle of Vittorio Veneto North Eastern Italy Situation 24 October- 4 November 1918


The Brusilov Offensive, 1 May - 20 September 1916


The dardanelles Operatiosn against Suvla Aug6-7 1915


The First, Second and Third Invasions of Serbia, August-December 1914


The Meuse and Argonne Offensives (Sedan-Vwrdun) Sep-Nov 1918


The Nek objectives map, Anzac Trench Diagram No. III


The Raid on the Schleswig Coast 1916


The Rumanian Campaign, 25 October 1916


The Rumanian Campaign, 26 Novemebr 1916 - 7 January 1917


The Rumanian Campaign, 27 August - 18 September 1916


The Second Battle of the Marne (Soissons), and the Battle of Amiens (Perrone) 1918


The Tenth Cruiser Squadron showing lines of patrol and interception Autumn 1915


The Theatre of War on the Western Front showing the main battle lines September 1914 to November 1918


The U-Boat campaign - cross-section of German U-boats


The Winter Battle of Masuria


The World in 1919


Thiaucourt Sector and Woevre Plain Operation, October 16-November 11, 1918


Third Battle of the Aisne Siuation 27 May 1918


Third Battle of Ypres - German trench lines (Sept 1917)


Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendale) Oct 1917


Third Battle Ypres 2-1st Buckinghamshire Batallion 22nd Aug 1917


Third Battle Ypres Aug 1917 -Circuit for horse drawn ambulance transport, picking up casualties at the Hooge Chateau Advanced Dressing Station


Third Ypres Frezenberg September-October 1917




Toulon Sector, September 6-12, 1918 - St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16


Trench map of Polderhoek on the North side of Gheluvelt


Troyon Sector and Woevre Plain Operation, October 24-November 11, 1918


Verdun-Fromereville Sector, September 8-25, 1918 - Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26-October 21, 1918


Vesle Sector, August 7-11, 1918 (Map No. 4)


Vesle Sector, August 11-17, 1918 - Oise-Aisne Offensive, August 18-September 16, 1918


Villers-en-Haye Sector, August 21-September 11, 1918 - St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16, 1918 - Puvenelle Sector, September 17-October 10, 1918


Villers-en-Haye Sector, September 10-11, 1918 - St. Mihiel Offensive, September 12-16, 1918


Vimy Ridge Defender and Attackers - April 9th 1917




Wallemolen - Bellevue (nr Poelcapelle and Passchendaele, Ypres) 1-5th Duke of Wellington's Aug 1917


Wallemolen (nr Poelcapelle, Ypres) 1-4th King's Own Yorkshire Light Inf Oct 1917


Wancourt 2nd Suffolk Regiment Mar 1918


West of Jerusalem (Palestine) 2-14th London Regiment (London Scottish) Nov 1917


Western Fron 1914 Battles of Mons Sambre Situation at 23 August 1914


Western Front 1914 Battle of Gumbinnen Eastern Front, August 17–23, 1914


Western Front 1914 Battle of the Frontiers Situation at 22 August 1914


Western Front 1914 Battles of Le Cateau-Guise Situation at 26 and 29 August 1914


Western Front 1914 First Battle of the Marne - Situation Early 26 August 1914


Western Front 1914 First Battle of the Marne (1) Situation at 26 August 1914


Western Front 1914 First Battle of the Marne (2) Situation at 30 August 1914


Western Front 1914 First Battle of the Marne (3) Situation at 2 September 1914


Western Front 1914 First Battle of the Marne (4) Situation at 5 September 1914


Western Front 1914 First Battle of the Marne (5) Situation at 09-00 9 September 1914


Western Front 1914 German Advance through Belgium


Western Front 1914 German Marne Retreat Situation 2 1914


Western Front 1914 German Marne Retreat Situation mid-September 1914


Western Front 1914 Situation Late 30th August Caampaign of the Marne


Western Front 1915-16 Battle of the Somme 1st July and Allied Gains


Western Front 1915-16 Battle of Verdun Overview of battle, Feb-Dec 1916


Western Front 1915-16 Stabilised Front 1915-16 Overview of lines in 1915-16


Western Front 1917 Battle of Cambrai


Western Front 1917 Battles of Arras-Messines Situation on 9 April 14 June 1917


Western Front 1917 Plan for Second Battle of the Aisne Preparations for April 1917


Western Front 1917 Second Battle of the Aisne Situation on 16 April 1917


Western Front 1917 Third Battles of Ypres - Passchendaele Situation 31 July and Nov-Dec 1917


Western Front 1918 Final Allied Offensive Operations from Sep-Nov 1918


Western Front 1918 First Three German Drives Operations from Mar-Jun 1918


Western Front 1918 Fourth-Fifth German Drives Operations from Jun-Jul 1918


Western Front 1918 Meuse-Argonne Offensive Operations from Sep-Nov 1918


Western Front 1918 Reduction of Amiens Salient Operation from Aug-Sep 1918


Western Front 1918 Second Battle of the Marne Situation on 6 August 1918


Western Front 1918 Somme-Lys Operations 1918 Operations from Mar-Apr 1918


Western Front 1918 St. Mihiel Offensive Situation on 16 September 1918


Western Front 1918 Third Battle of the Aisne Situation on 4 June 1918


Western front Aisne-Marne Offensive Situation 18 July amd Operations 6 Aug 1918


Western Front Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele) situation 31 July to 7 Dec 1917


Western Front, 1917, The Battle of Arras and the Second Battle of the Aisne


Western Front, Final Allied Offensive, 25 September - 11 November 1918


Western Front, Gains of the Five German Offensives, March - July 1918


Wextern Front 1918 First Three German Drives - Operations from Mar-Jun 1918


Ypres - Broodseinde-Results compared to Objectives 1917


Ypres - Broodseinde-Setup+Objectives 1917


Ypres Line od Sept 19, 25, 27th 1917


Ypres-Lys Offensive - October 25-November 11, 1918


Ypres-Lys Offensive, October 29-November 11, 1918


The Full List of Books Included is as Follows:

240mm Trench Mortar (1918)

A list of neutral ships sunk by the Germans from August 8, 1914, to April 26, 1917 (1918)

Artillery Firing - War Plans Division - June 1918

A Survey of German Tactics USA (1918)

British Navy Book (1915)

British Regiments at the Front (1914)

Close Combat Weapons (1917)

Daring deeds of merchant seamen in the Great War - H. Wheeler (1918)

Equipment Manuals for Service in Europe (1918)

Field Fortification a Study of the Western Front in Europe 1914-16

Fighting the Hun on the U.S.S. Huntington. A true story of adventures of the U.S.S. Huntington during the War - H.W. Winn (1919)

Fleets behind the fleet - W. M. Dixon (1917)

French 75mm Gun (1917)

Gas in Attack and Gas in Defense USA (1919)

Grenade Warfare School of the Grenadier

Guide for the 303 In Vickers Machine Gun Magazine (1915)

Gunnery Instructions - US Navy USA (1913-1918)

Handbook of 12-Inch Howitzer Railway Mount Model of 1918

Handbook of the 9-45 Inch Trench Mortar

Handbook of the 75mm Gun Materiel Model of 1917

Handbook of the Vickers Machine Gun Model 1915

Infantry and Tank Co-Operation and Training UK 1918

Instruction for the Defensive Combat of Small Units

Instruction for the Training of the Tank Corps in France (1918)

Instructions for the Training of the Tank Corps in France (1917)

Learning to Fly in the United States Army 1917

 Machine Gun Squadron Drill UK 1918

Machine-Gun Training .303  and.22 Cartridges UK 1916

Memorandum on Gas Poisoning in Warfare With Notes

Military and Naval Recognition 1917

Military Observation Balloons USA 1917

Naval operations Vol. 1 - J. S. Corbett (1920)

Naval operations Vol. 2 - J. S. Corbett (1920)

Naval operations Vol. 3 - J. S. Corbett (1920)

Naval operations Vol. 4 - J. S. Corbett (1920)

Notes on Bayonet Training 1917

Notes on Camouflage 1917

Notes on the Construction and Equipment of Trenches

Our navy at war - J. Daniels (1922)

Souvenir of the Great Naval Battle 1916

Stokes Trench Howitzer 3-inch Mark I (1918)

Tanks 1914-1918, The Log book of a Pionner UK 1919

The Achievement of the British Navy in the War 1918

The battle of Jutland, 31 May-1 June 1916 - Naval War College (U.S.) (1920)

The battle of the Falkland Islands - H. Spencer-Cooper (1919)

The blocking of Zeebrugge - A. Carpenter (1922)

The British fleet in the Great War - A. Hurd (1918)

The British navy at war - W. M. Dixon (1917)

The Dover Patrol, 1915-1917 Vol. 1 - R. Bacon (1918)

The Dover Patrol, 1915-1917 Vol. 2 - R. Bacon (1918)

The German Tank Elfriede UK 1918

The Italian navy in the world war 1915-1918 - Facts & figures (1921)

The journal of submarine commander von Forstner - G. F. Von Forstner (1917)

The Machine Gunners Handbook Including the Vickers

The naval history of the World War Vol. 1 - T. G. Frothingham (1921)

The naval history of the World War Vol. 2 - T. G. Frothingham (1921)

The naval history of the World War Vol. 3 - T. G. Frothingham (1921)

The Russian Army From Within (1914)

The Story of the Second Battle of Ypres Belgium 1917

The Training and Employment of Bombers USA 1917

The victory at sea - W. S. Sims (1920)

Uniforms Distinctive Badges  (1914)

Use of Heavy Artillery (1918)

Wire Entanglements (1918)

WWI Cartoons



British Commanders-in-chief engaged in a war were required to report (known as a Despatch) in writing to the Government’s War Office. These Despatches were published in the London Gazette. Please be aware that these are reproduced in PDF format, they are the text of the despatches, they are NOT a scan of the original newspaper.


The Full List of War Office Despatches Included is as Follows:


The campaign in France and Flanders (Western Front):


1. Sir John French - First Despatch (Mons and Le Cateau), 7 September 1914
          2. Sir John French - Second Despatch (Marne), 17 September 1914
          3. Sir John French - Third Despatch (Aisne), 8 October 1914
          4. Sir John French - Fourth Despatch (First Ypres), 20 November 1914
          5. Sir John French - Fifth Despatch (Antwerp), 5 December 1914
          6. Sir John French - Sixth Despatch (Winter), 2 February 1915
          7. Sir John French - Seventh Despatch (Neuve Chapelle), 5 April 1915
          8. Sir John French - Eighth Despatch (Second Ypres, Aubers and Festubert), 15 June 1915
          9. Sir John French - Ninth Despatch (Loos), 15 October 1915
          10. Sir John French - Tenth and Final Despatch (Loos after after), 31 July 1916
          11. Sir Douglas Haig - Spring 1916 Despatch, 29 May 1916
          12. Sir Douglas Haig - Somme Despatch, 23 December 1916
          13. Sir Douglas Haig - Ancre Despatch, 31 May 1917
          14. Sir Douglas Haig - Arras Despatch, 25 December 1917
          15. Sir Douglas Haig - Bullecourt, Messines and Third Ypres Despatch, 25 December 1917
          16. Sir Douglas Haig - Cambrai Despatch, 20 February 1918
          17. Sir Douglas Haig - German Offensives Despatch, 20 July 1918
          18. Sir Douglas Haig - Final Despatch Part I (Advance into Germany), 21 March 1919
          19. Sir Douglas Haig - Final Despatch Part II (Features of the war), 21 March 1919


The campaign at the Dardanelles (Gallipoli):


1. Vice-Admiral Sir John de Robeck - Gallipoli Landings Despatch, 1 July 1915
          2. Sir Ian Hamilton - First Gallipoli Despatch (landings, first attack on Krithia, Turk counterattack)
          3. Sir Ian Hamilton - Second Gallipoli Despatch (fighting of May and June) 1915
          4. Sir Ian Hamilton  Third Gallipoli Despatch (fighting of July and August) 1915
          5. Sir Ian Hamilton - Fourth Gallipoli Despatch (corrections and addenda) 1916
          6. Vice-Admiral Sir John de Robeck - Gallipoli Evacuation Despatch, 22 December 1915
          7. Sir Charles Monro - Gallipoli Evacuation Despatch, 6 March 1916



Alongside the above maps, books and War Office despatches this remarkable collection also includes the following works:


‘A history of the great war’ - J. Buchan

      all 4 volumes!


‘The New York Times Current History of The War’

      Complete set of all 20 Volumes


‘Nelson's History of the War’ - J. Buchan

-       Complete set of all 23 Volumes


‘The Story of The Great War’ - illustrated with drawings, maps and photographs

-       Complete set of all 12 Volumes


‘The Times History Of The War’

-       Complete set of all 22 Volumes



Overall an absolute must for anyone with an interest in World War 1 – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a very small price!


Quick Delivery – Free postage within the UK!



All of the files are hi-resolution scans presented in pdf format, easy to read on your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any modern Kindle / ebook reader that can read pdf files. All files can be printed or transferred between devices.


For some devices you may need to convert the pdf files. A free program called Calibre can be used to do this and can be included on the USB drive if requested.



Please note that this is a portable USB drive that will contain all of the books, documents and material listed in this auction. It will work in a laptop or computer (including MAC) but cannot be connected to a normal DVD player / TV, X-Box or audio CD player.



** Main photo is for illustration purposes only – other photos are example pages from the books included on the USB drive **


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