This beautiful handmade clear beaded Butterfly Chrismon is made of 10mm clear and gold beads. Ideal for larger trees. It is 5" long by 7" wide. 

This ornament takes the form of a butterfly, a common symbol of transformation, resurrection, and new life in the Christian Faith. The butterfly's wings are crafted with intricate detail, showcasing the delicate beauty of this creature.

In Christianity, the butterfly is often seen as a symbol of transformation and resurrection. Just as a caterpillar transforms into a beautiful butterfly, Christians believe in the transformation and renewal of the soul through faith in Jesus Christ. The butterfly's emergence from a cocoon can be likened to Christ's resurrection from the tomb, signifying new life and hope.

The ornate design, often seen in Christmas ornaments, reflects the beauty and joy of the season. It symbolizes the splendor of Christ's birth and the abundance of blessings that believers receive through Him.

Clear crystals, known for their transparency and brilliance, are used to adorn the butterfly's wings. The crystals add a sparkling and radiant quality to the ornament, reflecting and refracting light.

Gold beads are meticulously incorporated into the ornament, outlining the butterfly's body. Gold is associated with purity, divinity, and the glory of God.

In conclusion, a Butterfly ornament made with Clear Crystals and gold beads is not only a visually stunning piece but also carries deep Christian meaning. It represents the transformation and rebirth of the believer through faith in Christ, with clear crystals signifying purity and gold beads symbolizing the