
Recommended for:
Those who want to take collagen
Those who want to feel a sense of elasticity every day.
Those who want to spend their days full of moisture.
Those who want to achieve a one tone brighter beauty.
How to use:
 1 stick (about 6.5g) for a day. Melt in your favorite drinks such as coffee, tea, and milk.
Collagen peptide (high concentration PO·OG collagen peptide-containing), dextrin, creaming powder, ceramide-containing whey powder, milk peptide, proteoglycan containing salmon nasal cartilage extract substance, elastin peptides, vitamin C, casein Na, fragrance, silicon oxide, (raw materials including gelatin)
Protein 5.38g, fat 0.10g, carbohydrates 0.59g, sodium 16~22mg, vitamin C50mg, potassium 2.35mg, phosphorus 2.1mg, and energy 24.8kcal /per 1 day.