

ORANGE Oil 10ml Essential Oils 100% Pure Olejek Pomaranczowy ETJA

Natural essential oil is obtained from the fruit of the orange tree. It has antiseptic, calming and toning properties. Perfect for all kinds of depression, nervous tension and muscle cramps. Like all citrus oils, it is photosensitive and should not be used while sunbathing or exposing the skin to UV rays.

SMELL Sweet, citrus.

COLOUR Slightly orange.

GOOD COMPOSITION WITH OIL Lavender, all citrus, sandalwood..

All essential oils offered by ETJA are 100% natural.

Each Etja product is registered in the CPNP database and dermatologically tested.

ACTION Toning, antiseptic, antispasmodic, toning, antidepressant, helps to fall asleep, relaxing.



  • inhalation in case of upper respiratory tract infection, 
  • aromatherapy bath - with the addition of a few drops of pine oil, used for colds, runny nose, aches and throats. It is helpful in cystitis and prostate problems, 
  • massage - recommended for joint and muscle pains, 
  • air aromatization - aroma fireplace, diffuser, spray atomizer.

dosing pump
