Scary Life Size 
Over 7 feet tall
Obeys Your Commands!

Really out of this world- here he is at last: 
The Holy Grail of Comic Book Mail Order! 
The 7 foot Monster Ghost; 
From the Late 1960's to the early 1980's it grazed the comic book and Monster magazine pages.

What child did not want their very own Monster Ghost for only $1.00 He was over 7 FEET TALL! It rises, jumps, darts and floats in air! Think of it! You could terrify the neighborhood with it! You’d probably make the morning news! The other kids in grade school would proclaim you as Master! Well after years in the making here he is again in a new and improved version. This is the most striking 7 foot tall GHOST you ever saw! A masterpiece "Novelty 7 Feet Ghost" reproduction that will startle anyone who sees it.

This Ghost sensation will supply a hundred hours of laughs! Developed because of the love people have for bed sheet ghost. Think of the gags you can pull and the fun you can have with your very own 7 foot Monster Ghost.
The original ad read:
Scare the daylight out of your "victim" as this terrifying life sized Ghost hovers and darts over your him. Can be controlled up to 50 feet away so you can hide while watching your Victim . Complete instruction included.

"PICTURED ABOVE ARE MY TWO ORIGINALS" That were featured in the

 new book 

"Mail Order Mysteries" by Kirk Demarais
Get him before he is no longer available!
FREE: Pocket Skeleton hands with order!

All of our reproductions are like the originals with all the hype and glory of the 1970s. These are for collectors who remember the old days of comic book mail-order where what you received was not what you expected. The memories of this bygone era lives within each and everyone of us.