Roller Color: Orange and Turquoise

Handle Color: White and Clear

Package may comes in different color than shown. Thank you.

What is a Derma Roller?

The Derma Roller is an incredible device which naturally increases the levels of collagen and elastin in your skin. Stretch marks, wrinkles, scars and uneven, pitted skin are all due to a lack of collagen ? so by using a Derma Roller to replace the collagen you can help your skin renew itself and repair to a cosmetic level. This is genuine DRS micro needle. Item is CE and RoHS approved.


Derma roller Instructions

There are two methods of use for the roller. One version involves the use of Topicaine Gel to numb the area, followed by more aggressive use once per week. The second alternative, involves using the device with slight pressure up to 5 times per week (Instructions are only a guide and you should always assess your skin before and after each session). Using the device gently gives a tickling feeling and is not painful, although your face is more sensitive to it than your body.

Neither method should draw blood. You may find a temporary reddening of the skin for an hour or so after treatment and it can give a sensation similar to mild sunburn. We recommend the use of sunscreen / sunblock after use.


How long before I see result? Natural Skin Cell Renewal Takes Time

Needling your skin too often, will not give you better results. Why not? Think about it, similarly like when you cut your finger, it takes time to heal. The tiny wounds created by the derma roller during skin needling also need time to heal and build collagen. Even when they are so much smaller than a knife cut, there is still time needed for your body to go through natural skin healing process.

Skin renewal & new collagen building continues for about 40 days after needling, this is also the main period to keep in mind when deciding how often to use a dermaroller.


Dermarolling treatments frequency based on dermaroller needle size

You may use the 0.2 and 0.25 mm needle lengths daily for better skin care products absorption. These short needles will not promote new collagen building, but will help you benefit more from your skin care by helping them to absorb better

·        0.2-0.25 mm dermaroller may be used daily or every other day.

To reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, acne scars or any other similar concern , use a derma roller with needles at least 0.5 mm or even longer. Longer needle size derma rollers help to stimulate the new collagen building and skin renewal process. As the collagen synthesis in your skin is entirely natural process, it takes time to occur like explained earlier. Do not disturb it by using the derma roller too often, be patient and use derma roller about once every 4-6 weeks.

·        .0.5 mm dermaroller may be used once every 3 weeks.

·        0.75 mm dermaroller may be used once every 4 weeks.

·        1.0mm dermaroller may be used once a month (every 5-6 weeks).,

·        1.5 mm dermaroller may be used once every 6 weeks.

·        2.0-2.5 mm dermaroller may be used once every 8 weeks.


Establish a Sterile Environment:

All medical/surgical devices have to be sterile prior to their use. This same standard applies to all medical/surgical disposable devices. Please ensure that you wash your hands (and the area to be treated) thoroughly prior to using the Derma Roller. Dry with a clean towel. Using disinfectant, clean your treatment table and lay out the following items: Derma Roller, tube of Topicaine Gel, (if used), antibacterial cream, a bowl of iced water with a washcloth in it, a clean towel, some paper towels, a glass containing some disinfectant, a good quality face / body moisturiser and a timer.


Face and Body Treatment:

Do not use on the eyelids or lips. Cleanse the skin well with a cleanser that?s suitable to your skin type. Before every skin needling treatment rinse the derma roller head under hot running water. Wipe off the excess Topical Gel (if used) with a paper towel. Roll the Derma Roller over the area in question several times in different directions. 4 Rolls vertically, horizontally and each diagonal is more than enough to stimulate collagen formation in the skin. Do not press too hard, as this is not necessary for excellent results.

If you use the numbing gel and are more vigorous with the Derma Roller, you may experience a reddening and rawness of the skin for up to a couple of days after use. Gently use the device regularly, the same results can be achieved with much less trauma to your skin. Reddening only lasts for a few minutes.


For hair loss, thinning hair or grey hair:

Each morning / night, after showering and washing your scalp, dry well with a clean towel. Roll the Derma Roller over the scalp in one direction (and not back and forth). Apply 1ml of 5% Minoxidil (which should be available from your local Pharmacy) to balding areas and massage into the scalp thoroughly. If you notice the scalp flaking after a few days, simply rub the dead skin away whilst shampooing your hair. Treat no more than once per day, 5 times per week.


Skin Care After Use of the Derma Roller

After use, wash the treated area with cold distilled or natural spring water. Dry the skin gently and apply natural moisturizer, preferably one containing Vitamin C and E. Using the Derma Roller greatly increases the absorption of these nutrients. It is important to keep treated area out of the sun in the first week after treatment.


Skin needling is not suitable for use on the following skin conditions

Skin needling scar reduction therapy with derma rollers is not recommended for those with active infections, chronic skin disorders, blood clotting problems, poor healing or skin malignancies, active acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, severe solar keratosis and raised moles or warts.


Care of your Derma Roller:

For your safety, every dermaroller device is designed for single use only. If you believe the claim made by micro-needling companies and online resellers, then the answer would be yes. The claim could possibly be true if the devices were entirely made of metal. However, that is not the case. All medical micro-needling devices have a plastic roller into which metal micro-needles are embedded and then glued or fused into the roller. They are designed to be disposable. After each use, the needles dull and may loosen. The needles CAN?T be re-sharpened after use. Re-using a micro-needling device whose needles have dulled will require more force to penetrate and may tear the skin. This leads to greater pain, tissue damage, potential of infection, and less than optimal results. We do NOT recommend re-sterilizing a disposable product. Alcohol or similar solutions do NOT sterilize. Autoclaves use heat and will deform the plastic. The roller and the needles are therefore ruined. This increases the risk of infection, injury and pain during a procedure.

Re-using the microneedling devide at your own risk. If the device must re-use/re-sterile, you will need to disinfect the derma roller after your treatment.

First pour some at least 75% alcohol in the derma roller storage container or some other clean cup. The derma roller head should be all covered with the alcohol. Leave the roller in there for a while. Then, take it out, run hot water over it and allow the derma roller to air dry on paper towel. Please do not put the device away while it is still wet. Once dry, sanitize device using a UV-C wand or UV sanitizer cabinet before storage and before re-use.

After cleaning your derma roller place it to storage box or container that is provided with the derma roller.

You should do this after every skin needling session to disinfect your derma roller and re-sanitize before use. Never place your derma roller in boiling water or in an auto-calve as this may permanently damage the needles.


Never share your Derma Roller with anyone else, and do not use on children or animals.

When used as a home based treatment regimen, cosmetic skin micro needling is for professionally responsible use only. Use entirely at your own risk. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we are not responsible for negative or damaging results obtained by proper or improper use of this product. Even though many of our customers have experienced very positive results, we cannot guarantee results.

Please do not use this product if you have open cuts, wounds, sun-burnt skin, active herpes outbreaks, pustule acne lesions, or any other acute infection or inflammation of the skin, have a history of poor wound healing, collagen diseases, blood problems, are pregnant or lactating, are prone to keloid scarring or have diabetes. Aspirin, Nurofen, Vitamin E and blood thinning drugs all cause increased bruising and should not be taken in the two weeks leading up to treatment.
