Hi Everyone! You may remember me from last year. I'm the guy with the goats who stumbled upon a very large patch of Burdock naturally growing behind his lambing shed.

I've updated my pictures to show you all how this root is growing out here in Colorado. That 2nd picture is of a ball of clay I formed with my hand to show you what kind of dirt it's growing in. It's Clay.

Super Nutrient Rich Ancient Clay. Not much can grow in this dirt without amending it but the Burdock has done well here for many many years without any help.

What Burdock does is sucks up the nutrients in its surrounding dirt. Most folks like to grow their Burdock in a sandy soil so they can harvest it easier. What they don't realize is how they're selling their root short. There is Nothing that compares to Burdock growing in Rocky Mountain Clay! I live within the mineral belt of Colorado and so does my Burdock. You won't find any better that's untouched by human hands. I haven't and won't add anything to the soil. Zero additives! Zero chemicals! Only PURE Colorado Nutrient Rich Clay Dirt!

That pick axe in the picture, a long slender shovel, and my bare hands is how these roots get harvested. Last year I harvested a 30"er that weighed in over 2lbs! I'll never forget that Big Boy, it took me nearly 2 hours of prying and loosening it from the grasp of that old clay dirt to be able to keep it intact without breaking it. Now that one was special and I do challenge myself to get the whole root but I can't spend 2 hours on every root or my goats would feel neglected. So what you will receive when purchasing from me is FRESH Burdock Root with the tops cut off just under the stems and a light coating of clay dirt left on to preserve it in transit. I harvest the same day I ship it and I only ship on Monday thru Thursday to prevent the root from being stalled in transit on Sundays. I'm happy to oblige any special requests of how you'd like me to package it but I had zero complaints of freshness last year and I'm striving for the same this year. It's my mission to get this root to you as fresh as possible. I take it very seriously.

The benefits of Burdock are well documented and I recommend googling it to see what it all offers. It's astounding, the many many uses and healing properties it possesses will take you back.

You can prepare it however you'd like. Personally, I eat them raw. I also chop them into 1/2" slices, cover with water, and bring them just below a boil which creates an amazingly delicious tea. Mmm Mmm Good!!

I could literally write for hours on what this root can do and my personal experiences but this description has reached it's limit so I'll part with you for now and hope to be sending you the best of the best that Burdock has to offer.

               ENJOY AND BE HEALED!!!!