During the '80s Christine Lavin has risen from the east coast coffeehouse circuit, to nationwide notoriety as singer of satires and spoofs on '90s culture. Her feminism is tempered and made effective by wicked humor, and her ultrahigh soprano serves as a strange, charming foil. Like Steve Goodman, whose style she echoes, Lavin can also write songs of true tenderness, as "Gettin' Used to Leaving" and "Moment Slipped Away" more than make clear. --Roy Francis Kasten

Track Listings: 

1. Amoeba Hop
2. Summer Weddings
3. Prince Charles
4. Gettin' Used to Leavin'
5. Camping
6. Ballad of a Ballgame
7. Doris & Edwin: The Movie
8. Roses from the Wrong Man
9. Air Conditioner
10. All I Have To Do Is Dream/A Summer Song
11. Biological Time Bomb
12. The Moment Slipped Away

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