
一瓶常用量20 天






Liu Wei Di Huang Pian (YinVive 六味地黄片) is among the most regarded ancient Chinese herbal formulas. It is widely used to nourish Yin of the Yin-Yang. In TCM, a diminished Yin manifests as feeling weak in the lower back, feeling hot all over, and pale complexion etc.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (YinVive™) can replenish Yin due to the Yin insufficiency of kidney. Kidney is the innate foundation of all organs with respect to the Yin-Yang principles and Qi essence. When kidney is diminished functionally, other organs may show malfunctions. It is thus vitally important to maintain a healthy kidney. This explains why many symptoms seemingly unrelated to kidney may be relieved by restoring the kidney Yin-Yang balance.

When the kidney Yin is not sufficient, there will be presence of weakness and soreness of the loins and the limbs, emission and sweating, lightheadedness, and occasional ringing in the ears.

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan contains herbs that replenish Yang. Below are some instances in which it may be used.

• Lower back weakness due to the Kidney Ying deficiency, which may manifest as weakness and soreness of the waist and legs, easily sweating and a sensation of feeling heat in the body such as hot flashes, a pale complexion and tiredness, lightheadedness, declined vision, or occasional ringing in the ears associated with aging. 

• Sexual wellness. In the case of Kidney Ying deficiency, one may experience poor male performance. The back feels weak the next day and it takes longer to achieve a follow-up erection.

• Support glucose levels that are already in the normal range. TCM considers glucose has a nature of Yin. Supplementing Yin energy may help support the normal glucose levels.

• Support a smooth menopausal transition. Temporary hot flashes associated with menopause is a sign of Yin deficiency.


Rehmannia root cured(Radix Rehmannia Preparata)(Shu Di Huang)
Asiatic dogwood fruit(Fructus Cornus officinalis)(Shan Zhu Yu)
Tree peony bark(Cortex Moutan Radicis)(Mu Dan Pi)
Chinese yam rhizome(Rhizoma Dioscorea oppositae)(Shan Yao)
Poria sclerotium(Sclerotium Poriae Cocos)(Fu Ling)
Asian water plantain rhizome(Rhizoma Alismatis Orientalis)(Ze Xie)

*Consult with a qualified healthcare provider before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, have any medical conditions or are on prescribed medication.

*This product and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat, cure disease. If unwanted reactions occur, discontinue use and seek medical attention.