This primitive antique 1930-1940's hand-knotted Oushak rug features an intricate oriental design and primitive low pile.

This meticulously handmade rug uses some of the softest wool available that is not only pleasing to the eye but just as desirable to the touch.

This floor rug has a ivory, sage green background and displays a stunning panel colors, ivory, and sage green. It would create a sophisticated atmosphere in your home and in your office decor.

Enhanced hand-spun wool quality construction keeps the dirt out of floor. Please rotate periodically and vacuum regularly, in order to keep this beautiful work of art serviceable for the next generation.

We recommend the use of a non-skid pad to keep the rug in place on smooth surfaces. Please vacuum it regularly and rotate periodically.

I am a private rug collector over 22 years ,have been to all towns and most of the textile museums in Turkey , in Switzerland and France .I am amazed by the textiles -Kilims from 13th C in Anger in France but i tell you this ,Turkey amazed me the most because it was full of antique and history ,exposed to us every where as, open air museum .

It comes direct from source of acquisition for you to have it at amazing deal. if you have any question about this antique dowry rug ,email me via ebay ,. I would like you to take some extra time to view all my other antique textiles of merit that i have exclusively listed with ebay this week ,do remember to bookmark my user id " mynomadrugs " to your favorite sellers list to see all my future listings ,having this age ,rarity ,quality ,condition and colors .All my listings come with 100% unconditional money back ,if buyer is not happy with their purchase from me .Please contact me if you have any concerns and questions .Please know your satisfaction is a must for me , beyond and above all.