Rugs collection at Rugs City is available in a variety of different designs ranging from floral patterns to tribal designs and contemporary styles complemented with a selection of rich colour combinations, providing a choice of selecting either subtle shades or vibrant hues. This makes it certain that the Modern Rugs will be a perfect addition to the contemporary interior design of your home. The Rugs collection features a low pile height that makes these rugs absolutely perfect for under furniture placement and makes an equally eye-catching centre piece for any room of your hous Rugs collection is made with a high-grade heatset polypropylene yarn using machine tufting techniques. The premium quality build material of these rugs offers additional benefits of being hard wearing yet extremely soft to touch, stain resistant and anti-shed features make these rugs easy to clean and maintain. This makes them perfect rugs for high traffic areas such as living room, lounge, dining room, and hallway entrance. The Rugs collection certainly offers a great value for money.

Rugs are available in Five  standard rectangular sizes so you can easily choose one that works best with the size of your room.

Highlights of this Rug:


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