CATGRASS - 1000+ Seeds

This is a great nutritious treat for cats, guinea pigs and rabbits so spoil your pets and grow this grass for them. Catgrass grows quite easily and recovers very well after your pets feed it. 

Cats like to eat grass as an aid to digestion, a source of vitamins and minerals and as an aid to induce vomiting when they are having trouble with the removal of furballs. This variety of grass is both safe for and preferred by cats 

Catgrass is suitable to grow in pots, however, don’t mind growing well in the ground too.



The grass will grow much better if you sprout it prior to planting! 

Put seeds into a bowl or your Sprouter. Add 2-3 times as much cool water. Mix seeds up to assure even water contact for all. Allow seeds to soak for 8-12 hours. 

Empty the seeds into your sprouter if necessary. Drain off the Soak water. Use it to water plants, or whatever you like. It has nutrients in it. 

Rinse thoroughly with cool water and Drain thoroughly.

Set anywhere out of direct sunlight and at room temperature between Rinses. This is where your sprouts do their growing. Normally people use a countertop - in the corner of our kitchen, but where the sprouter won't get knocked over by cats, dogs, kids or us. We don't mind the indirect sunlight or the 150 watts of incandescent light, because light just does not matter much. A plant can only perform photosynthesis when it has left. Until then light has little if any effect. Don't hide your sprouts. 

Rinse and Drain again in 8-12 hours. And, perhaps one more... Rinse and Drain in 8-12 hours. And, conceivably one more... Rinse and Drain in 8-12 hours. 

The goal is to have just the hint of a Root - or a very short Root before planting. Most of the seeds will have that hint or have sprouted tiny roots after just 1 or 2 Rinse and Drain cycles. 

Spread seeds evenly on thoroughly moistened soil or medium. Rinse your seeds one last time and then sprinkle them across the planting medium. Spread them out as evenly as you can. 

Cover the planted tray with an inverted tray (the Cover Tray) - to keep light out and moisture in. 

Uncover your Grass on day 3, 4 or 5 - or whenever it's 5-9cm tall. We usually wait until it pushes the covering tray up (it really will do that - it is remarkable!) 

Move to a well-lit location If you use direct sunlight (a very good idea for Grass) be prepared to do more watering. Every crop needs more watering when grown in a brighter, hotter location. Keep it moist by watering the soil/medium daily. Watch it grow. It takes about 4 or 5 more days to get to edible size.