The first picture is the filters you get, the displays are show for reference as to how they are installed on the display.

These can be used on any Gottlieb Pinball Machine with the 6 or 7 digit glass tubes on them. 

This is a set of Lens Filters that replaces the old plastic covers for your displays. Many of them are missing, faded, or damaged and need to be replaced.

With our simple kit, you just attach a double sided foam adhesive square to the sides of the display, then attach the filter over the display.

Some machines have painted filters on the backglass, these can become cracked or scratched over time, Our filters attach to the display, so there is no worry about messing up your backglass if you just want new filters. Some people will acutally scrape this off the backglass because they are so badly cracked. Our filters enhance the color even if your backglass has cracking filters on it

If you machine has a clear opening on your backglass and you can see your display without any tint. Then either it was removed, or your displays should have had a lens cover over the displays.

Some machine have blue filters, others have green filters, we carry both colors.

The glass tube displays are a greenish-blue color, you can use either color filter on your machine.

Generic Listing Information:

System 1 Machines

Buck Rogers, Charlie's Angels, Cleopatra, Close Encounters,
Countdown, Dragon, Genie, Hulk, Joker Poker, Pinball Pool, Roller Disco,
Sinbad, Solar Ride, Totem, Torch

System 80 Machines

Black Hole, Haunted House, Spider Man, Panthera, Circus, Counter Force, 
Star Race, James Bond, Pink Panther, Time Line, Mars God of War, Volcano

System 80A Pinball Machines.

Available for: Alien Star, Amazon Hunt, Cave Man, El Dorado City of Gold,  Ice Fever, Jacks to Open, Krull, Punk, Q'Berts Quest, Rack 'Em Up, Ready Aim Fire, Royal Flush Deluxe, Super Orbit, The Games, Touchdown.
Devil's Dare, Rocky, Striker, Spirit, Goin' Nuts.

Upgrade your machine now!

Visit our Ebay Store "Boston Pinball Company" for LED display kits for other Gottlieb System 1 and System 80 machines.