Star Divine Stones

Facial Massage Roller Gua Sha (Rose Gold) — Green Unakite Jasper
 Crystal (A+ Grade)

  • A+ Grade High Quality


  • These are Special and Discounted — We only have Few Limited Stock left! (first come first serve)

  • Note: Due to it being Natural Crystals - The crystal colours & patterns may vary



  • Helps you have radiant skin

  • Improve your facial complexion - smooth & firm

  • Stimulate cells for increased collagen production to help with anti-aging

  • Improves blood circulation 

  • Decreases puffiness

  • Cools and soothes your skin

  • Distributes skincare products like moisturisers, serums



  • Green Unakite Jasper Crystal - has a nurturing quality that helps to balance the emotional body and assist in sleep 

  • If you love crystals, why not take it to the next level and use them as facial rollers to help your skin absorb your facial products.

  • Not only does it look pretty but it provides a cool relaxing relief stimulating your skin cells and an anti-aging remedy!


WE HAVE OTHER CRYSTALS TYPES TOO! (See our other listings)

  • Other Facial Facial Rollers made from different Crystals like Unakite Jasper, Agate, Amethyst

  • Choose from 4 different type of natural crystals. These crystals will also benefit you with their innate energy

1) Purple Amethyst Crystal - is known to be one of the most effective crystals for healing and has a calming and soothing quality

2) Yellow Agate Crystal - has soothing and stress-relieving properties that helps you ground and stabilise

3) Pink Rose Quartz Crystal - is known as the love stone has a tender and healing energy that is nourishing and comforting

4) Green Unakite Jasper Crystal - has a nurturing quality that helps to balance the emotional body and assist in sleep 


Special Note:

Each crystal will be cleansed sonically with Tibetian Singining Bowls and infused with reiki energy before sending out. 

  • Size:  15 x 5.5cm approx.

  • We only have limited stock - Once it's gone is gone! First come first serve. 

Light & Peace,

Star Divine Stones (Liz & Aden)