Nano-Tech Bio-Plugs don't just hold coral frags—they help filter water and feed corals!

These are no ordinary frag plugs! They are Maxspect Nano-Tech Bio-Plugs—which are made out of the same porous ceramic beads as Maxspect’s popular Bio-Blocks and Bio-Spheres.

So sure, they look cool. And sure, the embossed Maxspect logo on top is a nice touch. But the real selling point with these plugs is that they also serve as bio-media! Beneficial bacteria can colonize inside and on the surface of the plugs which helps keep your tank clean. Since Bio-Plugs are full of pores that are permeable by water, they actually make it easier for corals to extract nutrients from the water column compared to standard, run-of-the-mill frag plugs.

Maxspect Nano-Tech Frag Plugs are truly in a class of their own. They are the first frag plug that actually helps grow corals faster and healthier! 

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