Persian Silk (Albizia julibrissin) Tree Seeds

Height:   20-40 ft

Max Diameter:   20-50 ft

Hardiness:   -20 degrees Fahrenheit

USDA Zone:   5-10

Light:   Full Sun / Partial Shade

Albizia julibrissin is commonly known as Persian Silk Tree, Pink Siris Tree or Mimosa Tree.

Native to China, Korea and Iran, commonly grown in California, Texas and Oklahoma.

Desired for fragrant blossoms, puffy pink/white "pom poms", fast growth rate, and attraction for butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.

LOW MAINTENANCE - drought- and wind-tolerant, minimal watering needs, and successful in poor soil (can even help enrich the soil where it grows).

Broad, low-branching spread makes a nice sun-dappled canopy shade tree.

Grown as a stunning landscape accent and makes a fine ornamental bonsai specimen (due to soft bark and fast growth, small-gauge wires should not be left on for more than 2 weeks at a time).

Popular in Chinese and other traditional medicine.

***Sensitive leaves slowly close at night and during periods of rain, earning the Persian name "night sleeper".

Uses in Traditional Medicine:

Known by the Chinese as the "Happiness Herb"

Flowers and bark - relieve anxiety, stress, and depression; chronic leg and lower back pain

Flowers - helps insomnia, amnesia, sore throat, contusion, and indigestion

Bark - regarded as one of the most important herbs for external trauma and injuries - promotes blood circulation, reduces pain and swelling, promotes regeneration of flesh, and facilitates the healing of bone fractures

Growing Recommendations:

1.  Keep seeds in a cool, dry area until ready to plant.

2.  Place seeds is very hot water and let soak for 24 hours.

3.  Fill individual pots (at least 3" deep and wide) with moistened seed-starting mix and sow seeds 1" deep. Keep indoors in a warm, well-lit area (or outside while weather is above 60 degrees F) with soil remaining damp, but not very wet. Do not water heavily from the top-- instead, spritz with a spray bottle or water from the bottom.

4.  Thanks to this tree's rapid growth rate, seeds will start to sprout in about 2-3 weeks. 

5.  Some seeds will germinate all at once, others will take longer. Be patient and do not discard your seeds prematurely! :)

6.  Expand to larger pots when seedlings have 3-4 leaves. 

7.  Finally, transplant into their permanent spot after last frost.

Germination: 85%




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