Up for sale here is this set of 5 used vintage Conn-badged Amperex Made in Holland 12AU7 vacuum tubes. These all have k64 ⊿8K codes, indicating they were made in November 1958. These have long gray plates and top D getters with flat foil strips. These have very good but not perfect.

I tested these on my calibrated B&K 747B tube tester, and they tested at 105/110, 82/91, 78/82, 82/92, and 108/95, on a scale of 0-120 where 65 is minimum good. Four did not show shorts or grid emissions, but the 82/92 tube did show shorts and grid emissions, and may not work properly, though I am guessing it will work fine. The four other tubes are guaranteed to work for you, but the one with shorts/grid emissions is sold as non-working--consider it a free throw-in. Please see my pictures for details.

US shipping and handling is $8, and international is $28. If you have any questions, please ask.

I have more tubes and other vintage electronics listed--feel free to take a look!