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Artificiale spinning Savage Gear Minnow Jig 5gr. 4,6 cm
Basato sulla scansione di una sardina, il Jig Minnow è progettato per lanciare lontano e raggiungere profondità e perfetto anche in correnti più forti. L'esca brilla vividamente e vibra come un pesce ferito. Jig Minnow è estremamente facile da usare e progettato per un jigging delicato. Perfetto per Vertical Jigging e Cast Jigging. "
• Dettagli con scansione 3D
• Design a fusione lunga
• Azione Super Vivid sul drop
• Dettagli stampati con foto
• Rivestimento super resistente
• Armato

Based on the Scan of a baby sardine, the Jig Minnow is designed to cast far and reach depth fast and perfect even in stronger currents. Despite the relative fast sink rate, the lure shimmers vividly and vibrates like a wounded fish on the fall. The Jig Minnow is extremely easy to use and designed for gentle jigging. It does not need much effort or speed to get a strike. Perfect for Vertical Jigging and Cast Jigging.

  • • 3D Scanned face details
  • • Long casting design
  • • Super Vivid action on the drop
  • • Photo printed details
  • • Super Durable coating
  • • Pre-Rigged with super sharp trebles and assist hooks"

Based on the Scan of a baby sardine, the Jig Minnow is designed to cast far and reach depth fast and perfect even in stronger currents. Despite the relative fast sink rate, the lure shimmers vividly and vibrates like a wounded fish on the fall. The Jig Minnow is extremely easy to use and designed for gentle jigging. It does not need much effort or speed to get a strike. Perfect for Vertical Jigging and Cast Jigging.

  • "
  • • 3D Scanned face details
  • • Long casting design
  • • Super Vivid action on the drop
  • • Photo printed details
  • • Super Durable coating
  • • Pre-Rigged with super sharp trebles and assist hooks"

Basado en el escaneo de una sardina bebé, el Jig Minnow está diseñado para lanzar lejos y alcanzar una profundidad rápida y perfecta incluso en corrientes más fuertes. A pesar de la tasa de hundimiento relativamente rápida, el señuelo brilla vívidamente y vibra como un pez herido en la caída. El Jig Minnow es extremadamente fácil de usar y está diseñado para jigging suave. No necesita mucho esfuerzo o velocidad para recibir un golpe. Perfecto para jigging vertical y jigging fundido.
• Detalles de la cara escaneada en 3D
• diseño de fundición larga
• Acción súper vívida en la caída
• Foto impresa detalles
• Recubrimiento súper duradero
• Preinstalado con agudos súper afilados y ganchos de ayuda "