Says it is the memories de Jean Kalmogo,  du Frere Etienne Bance, du Frere, Vincent Barex

202 pages paperback 
in French

Never read it but must have acquired it sometime in late 90s when I lived in Burkina Faso.

The story on the back says it is about Raogo, a young man who is mistreated after his mother and father die.
During a famine he somehow becomes part of the court of the Moogo Naaba (the emperor of the Mosse in Burkina)
he is involved in persuading the Naaba to sign a treat with the French with of course consequences no one can imagine.

Here is also a rough translation telling more about what happens in the book:
"is meant to be a story where your facts are related without any personal value judgment. The text seems to enslave women throughout the unfolding of events.
The practice of witchcraft makes some of them excluded from society. witchcraft is a social phenomenon and remains a safety valve for the villagers. in front of this humiliations of women born out of the conception of the time,
IT is also a story of women while they are in some ways powerless they still are strong.