
2 klassische Vintage TFF-(Folien-) Kondensatoren von Wima, Kapazitätswert 0.22 µF bei 400 V- Spannungsfestigkeit, axiale Bauform mit Korpus: 15 x 24 mm. Unbenutzter alter Lagerbestand.

Ideal zur Restaurierung alter Röhrenverstärker, Gitarren-Elektronik, etc.

Weitere edle Bauteile (Glimmer-Kondensatoren, Ölpapier von Westcap, Sprague, TCC und Co.) und Röhren (EL34, ECC83, etc.) in meinem eBay Shop.


2x Kondensator, unbenutzter alter Lagerbestand, NOS


Internaional buyers welcome: 2 pcs of very rare original TFF foil tone capacitors made by Wima, capacitance value at 0.22 MFD with 400 VDC, body size 15 x 24 mm. The TFF caps were used in Vox amplifiers amongst others. Good replacement for Mullard Mustard with regards to the Tone or perfect for restoring classic european guitars and tube amps and almost impossible to find in NOS condition nowadays! Please have a look also to my other items for more WIMA capacitors, tubes and radio parts. Shipping worldwide, PayPal welcome…

ID: Box 122 (rote Kiste)