
March 18, 1897

The McKinley era begins

Inside: The cover is St. Patrick's Day; Interview with Chauncey; War scares in Europe; Life says Teddy Roosevelt will do more good in the Police commission than as vice president; Some magazines are printing pages with uncut bottoms;  Full page C Allan Gilbert - prayer book at the Burlesque; Utah wants to send a statue of Brigham Young to place in the Capitol rotunda; Bad idea says Life; A package of cigarettes is the youth's companion; What a native American Cupid looks like; Charles Dana Gibson centerfold of women liking pianists over other suitors; The temptation of St. Anthony; Full page Otho Cushing print;  ; ads. Lots of other items.

This original magazine is well illustrated with humorous sketches as well as serious issues of the day. Stereotypical views of Irish, Jews, Chinese and Black. Indians were treated the same but sympathetically. Beautiful women grace its pages. These were purchased from the original accountants years ago and are uncirculated. 

If you're interested in the comic weeklies of the 1800s and early 1900's, please check our offerings of Puck and Judge.

Over One Million Magazines in stock. In the trade since 1976. Visit us at millionmagazines.

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