Here are three of the Time-Life Lost Civilizations educational, each one 48-50 minutes in length,
perfect for school classes.  EGYPT takes you to the excitement of Howard Carter's unearthing of
Tutankhamen's Tomb in 1922 and the realization that the boy-king's burial chamber was
undisturbed.  This is the site and the artifacts that have traveled the world for the last 20 years
or so in museum displays etc.  The focus is Egypt's 'Quest for Immortality,' and enlightens us
on mummy prep; hieroglyphics in a love letter; the sense that everyone, farmer to pharaoh 
believed eternal life was a birthright. 50 filled minutes.  MESOPOTAMIA brings you to the 
Fertile Crescent in a 'Return to Eden.' It covers 6,000 years exploring the Old Testament, the
Exodus into Babylon, the Assyrians, Sumer, the inventiion of writing, the wheel and Law in a 50
minute welding of Science and religion.  MAYA is my favorite, the subject of one of my books.
'The Blood of Kings' dazzles with the buildings of the Classic Maya 650 AD while Europe was
mired in the Dark Ages.  Visit the 365 step observatories, the ball courts, the complicated writing
and Math systems [one of 5 in the world], the royal mutilations and human sacrifices. Gone is the
sense that this was a utopia spoiled by Europeans as you visit the murals of Palenque, see the
high steps where human sacrifices were rolled down incredible pyramids which people could
inhabit [unlike Egypt].  This 50 minutes is an inspiration for Hispanic students-a sense of pride.