*All Female* Murder Mystery Dinner Party Game for 6-10 players

It's an important day.  Members of the witching Sisterhood have gathered together to appoint their new Leader.  The timing should be auspicious, after all, a quarter day is approaching and there's to be a full moon.  But then Ophelia Fate the retiring Leader is found murdered...                

One of you invited to the gathering must have done the deed.  But who and why?  One thing is clear.  Apprehending the murderer is a matter of urgency.  For the continued safety and security of the Sisterhood is at stake.  It's up to you (and your guests) to find out 'whodunnit'....

This is an original murder mystery game supplied as ready to print Microsoft Word pdf files on a USB flash drive or CD.  The engaging plot keeps players guessing 'whodunnit' right until the very end.  Running time is 1½ - 2 hours.  

The supplied files print:

Character script booklets for your guests, invitations, complete party setup instructions, name tags, a newspaper article, various evidence, a choice of murder confessions and lots of extras to turn your venue into the Witches Dene crime scene.  


You will need access to a printer, 50+ sheets of printer paper, a stapler and maybe some sticky stuff (Pritt stick?)  The printed game functions much the same as a boxed murder mystery.

The 6-10 characters:

Marsha Mallow (F):You are a recent graduate from the Magical Academy and a new member of the Witches Institute.  Your spell making ability is still a work in progress – some of your hexes don’t always come out as intended…
Amethyst Moonshine (F):You are Ophelia Fate’s long-lost cousin.  Drawn to witchcraft from an early age, you have been tempted by the Dark Side.  But you are worth so much more…
Nettie Nettleburn (F):You are a witch of importance in the Sisterhood, entrusted with the security of the Witches Institute.  But responsibility can be dangerous...
Sentana Ebraxus (F):You are a three star chef – and also an active member of the witching community.  While it’s true your restauranteur success relies heavily on your magical abilities, maybe it’s best you keep this to yourself…
Lunella Solstice (F):You are a teacher at the Hogwoods School for aspiring magicals.  But like your spells, you have hidden depths…     
Willow Watersmeet (F):

Esmerelda Gingersnap (F):

Jasmine Winterborn (F):
You do your best to keep a low profile in the witching world, you really do.  But you just can’t stay away from Witches Dene – where things have just taken a dramatic turn for the worse…

You are a supplier of all
things magical to the local witches.  In this business, when things go wrong, the consequences can be serious…. 

You run Magical Moggies, the local cat sanctuary.  Most witches love and respect their cats as much as you do – but not all…  Someone has to be our four legged friends protector… 
Two extra characters:
Evanora Moonshine (F):

Being a witch usually has helped you view life through a deeper dimension but lately things have become even more interesting – you seem to be embracing your feline side – Miaooow!

Holly Spellbinder (F):You have used your knowledge of witchcraft to make yourself a success.  But it’s dangerous to rely on favours from the world of spells and sorcery….   

This game and its packaging is an original work by the author/Ebay seller Templewaterman.  All rights reserved.  Not for re-sale.  Any resemblance to real people, places,organisations, characters or events is purely co-incidental.  ©Neil Faiman.