* The XwitcH is a whipping/swatting tool that is made of military-grade steel covered by polyvinyl chloride and non-conductive protective polyolefin tubing materials.

* Specifically engineered with personal-protection measures in mind that deploy weight and counterweight to balance and produce a more effective swatting effect that can give you an advantage in deterring unwelcome physical contact with potentially dangerous wildlife and other threats.

* At, 26 inches in length, this self-defense tool extends your reach by about 22 inches from your extended arm when swatting, enabling you to keep most physical unwelcomed contact from reaching you.

* It is 100% flexible from A to Z, with a total weight less than 4 oz. for easy carry folded in the back pocket, belt loop, runner's belt, backpack side-pocket, or attached to a shoulder strap.

* Can be carried concealed and ready for quick draw and use.

* The XwitcH TrailRunner is intended to give you the advantage when caught in a situation that may be physically dangerous while engaged in sports and/or other outdoor activities. Especially, when outdoors hiking or running you have limited space and weight that you can carry.* The XwitcH can come with you in most sport and outdoor activities you enjoy with minimal burden and superior potential advantages when put to use effectively.