Everyone knows that the Boss CE-2 chorus is a classic, but few realize that the CE-3 is the stereo version of the same circuit. Many of the Boutique Chorus pedals out there are based on this circuit. The Supreme Mod kit for the Boss CE-3 includes all the parts and detailed instructions via download with color photos for all the following mods to turn a good chorus into a great chorus that rivals the boutique pedals at a fraction of the cost.

Leslie Swirl Mod: Increases the maximum speed available for a very convincing fast Leslie tone. All the slow speeds are still available but now the range is increased.

Deep Mod: Increases the maximum depth of the effect. The stock CE-3 can be a little on the subtle side, with this mod you have greater maximum depth, without losing any of the more shallow settings.

Hi Fidelity Mod: Change out the  audio op-amps with socketed high quality audio grade op-amps and change out the input and output caps with high quality MLCC caps for greater retention of tone and lower noise.

WARNING: Performing this mod will void any warranty your pedal may have.

This is a kit to modify your pedal and there is not a pedal included in this auction.

Required Tools/supplies

  • YOUR Boss Pedal
  • Soldering Iron
  • Solder
  • De-soldering braid and or solder sucker
  • Phillips head screwdriver
  • Wire Clippers
Note to International customers: Due to customs your shipment may take in excess of 4 weeks.