Accordion "Cantulia" 4 / 4,120 basses, 2 registers, Germany, 1933
The accordion is in good working order, there are signs of wear - abrasions, small scratches.
The accordion is in good working order, the fur keeps the air, the tuning is harmonious,
 the registers are working properly.
Cantulia accordions are of high quality.
The accordion uses high quality Italian languages ​​for a rich sound.
History of the instrument - This accordion belonged to the German 
commandant of Kiev during the Nazi occupation of 1941-1943. 
He was left in the house where the commandant was quartered 
when the Nazis fled during the liberation of Kiev. 
I bought this accordion from the owner of this house - 
a 94-year-old Kievite who took part in these events, 
according to him - the accordion was brought by a German officer from Hungary.
The accordion has a rich sound - beautiful and loud velvety bass, noble timbre.
The accordion has a beautiful appearance, 
the original embossed leather straps and the original antique case have been preserved.
Time-tested German quality!
Weight 10.5 kg.
The accordion will be of interest to both professionals, 
amateurs and collectors, will adorn any collection.
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