This beverage contains acerola cherries packed with vitamin C (100mg) and herbal ingredients such as licorice (300mg) and turmeric (300mg). Both licorice and turmeric are herbal remedies in Asian cooking and culture. Citrus orange-flavoured and available in convenient stick packs.

Triple Booster for Better AIRways.
East meets West. Traditional meets Modern.

The immune system is the gatekeeper that keeps germs, viruses and harmful organisms from entering and harming your body. How do you safeguard your immunity? Ensuring that your body consumes ingredients that contain anti inflammatory functions and boost respiratory health3.

Available in convenient stick packs. A citrus orange-flavoured complementary booster packed with vitamin C (100mg) and herbal ingredients such as licorice (300mg) and turmeric (300mg). No artificial colourings, preservatives and flavourings.
Licorice contains glycyrrhizic acid widely used as a Chinese herbal remedy due to its anti inflamamtory properties that also strengthtens immunity and respiratory health. It is also used as flavouring in food and beverages.1

Turmeric is a spice well known in Indian and Malay cooking. It is also an herbal remedy as it contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric contains curcumin which isn't easily absorbed by the body. However, using a microencapsulation technology, its absorption rate can be increased to maximise health benefits.2
Enriched with vitamin C from acerola cherries, the cherries are harvested when it is still green due to its high vitamin C content.4