FaDown Dietary supplement for Men & Women


Fat Down Suplemento dietético natural para quienes quieren alcanzar su mejor versión. 

The new Fat Down  Fat burner is the simplest, most natural and effective solution to combat overweight and obesity as it is made with 100% natural components.

According to a study published by the most natural and effective solution to combat overweight and obesity as it is made with 100% natural components.daily mail,  Fat Down Fat burner tests were performed on 765 people without having to suppress daily calories from their diet. Most of them lost up to 5% of the total weight, and at least 59% of people lost the desired weight in less than 3 months. The media also added that there is no other product on the market that works so effectively.

COMPONENTS FAT DOWN  FAT BURNER :The new FAT DOWN burner contains Yohimbe , Boldo, Lemon Extract ,  Beta Hydroxybutyric Acid, Ginkgo Biloba, Vitamin C, Complex B, Green Tea.

How Does Fat Down Work:

Not all the fat produced by your body is negative, the problem is how your body processes it. With this new product, you can reduce sizes quickly by transforming localized fat into energy, significantly reducing appetite and eliminating cravings for unhealthy habits. Likewise, its powerful components allow you to use it as an excellent complement to the exercise.

DOSAGE:Take 1 capsule daily  before or after  breakfast and see amazing changes in no time.


• Unlike other fat burners this product contains Yohimbe , Boldo, Lemon Extract ,  Beta Hydroxybutyric Acid, Ginkgo Biloba, Vitamin C, Complex B, Green Tea

.• Activates metabolism naturally, to focus on burning localized fat.

• Helps to reduce and control appetite and controls anxiety.

• Provides a large amount of antioxidants, increasing body energy.

• Reduces abdominal fat and cellulite, toning muscle mass.

• Effective in both men and women.

• Scientifically proven and 100% natural.

• capsules do not taste bad or contain sibutramine.

• No secondary effects that generate dependence.


This product is not recommended for people over 60, or with heart problems, hypertension, epilepsy, glaucoma, diabetes, depression, dietary disorders, pregnancy or lactation.

FaDown Dietary supplement for Men & Women         Fat Down Suplemento dietético natural para quienes quieren alcanzar su mejor versión. 


• A diferencia de otros quemadores este producto contiene Yohimbe , Boldo y Extracto de limón  que lo hacen súper efectivo con la  quema de grasa  y suave con tu organismo.

• Activa de forma natural el metabolismo, para enfocarse en quemar grasa localizada.

• Disminuye el apetito y controla la ansiedad.

• Aporta una gran cantidad de antioxidantes, aumentando la energía corporal.

• Reduce la grasa abdominal y la celulitis, tonificando la masa muscular.

• Efectivo tanto en hombres como mujeres.

• Científicamente comprobado y de origen 100% natural.

• Sus cápsulas no tienen mal sabor ni contienen sibutramina.

• Sin contraindicaciones que generen dependencia.











•Fatiga o debilidad


•Piel agrietada

•Pérdida de cabello

•Falta de coordinación

•Pérdida de masa muscular

•Hormigueo o entumecimiento de manos y pies

•Dolores de cabeza

•Confusión mental



•Problemas gastrointestinales



*Tomar 1 capsula diaria unicamente en las mañanas antes o después del desayuno , se recomienda tomar abundante agua durante el tratamiento para ver mejores resultados .