This powerful bath is prepared with many perfumes to make you irresistible to him/her. The delightful smell of Remove Panties/underwear bath wash is prepared to penetrate the senses of the person you desire and make them helpless to your advances. Used to seduce and attract love. Remove Panties/underwear bath wash is the perfect fragrance and aphrodisiac to attract the one person you desire.

Este poderoso baño está preparado con muchos perfumes para hacerte irresistible para él / ella. El delicioso olor de Remove bragas / ropa interior bath wash está preparado para penetrar los sentidos de la persona que deseas y hacerla indefensa a tus avances. Se utiliza para seducir y atraer el amor. Remove bragas / ropa interior bath wash es la fragancia y afrodisíaco perfecto para atraer a la persona que desea.

For External use only.

Capacity: 32 fl. oz. (944 ml)

FOR BATH USE: Fill your tub with water, add 8 ounces into the water and soak.

FOR FLOOR WASH USE: Add 1/2 bottle into a gallon of warm water and clean from the front of your home/business to your rear door.

Ships 2 - 3 days.  Se envía en 2 a 3 días.

All sales are final. No returns.  Please, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Thanks for visiting us!

Todas las ventas son finales. No hay devoluciones. Por favor, si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en contactarnos. 

Gracias por visitarnos!

Sold as curio only!
Se vende solo como curiosidad.

Legal disclaimer: Law states that Spells, Readings and Paranormal are for entertainment purposes. You agree that the purchase of our products or services is subject to your own interpretation and is not intended as a substitute for any legal, financial, psychiatric and or medical services. We accept No liability or responsibility for any paranormal activity that may or may not occur due to the use of our products or services.