Goron tula is a fruit that has segments and is easily split, it produces gum like syrup, it can be cooked, soaked in water, before eating and it can also be eaten raw.

In addition its a wonder fruit that cures cough, hypertension, poor ejaculation and also serve as an aphrodisiac, cleanses the vagina wall, increases libido, makes the vagina wall slimy, silky and wet also great for women who have mensuration problem, reduces infection, boost fertility and more

Increase of libido

Goron tula is used to increase the libido as consumption of the fruit helps in developing strong desires for sexual intercourse and also serves as an aphrodisiac several rounds of having sex with your partner. People experiencing lowered libido, as a result of stress or other health conditions, can try goron tula.

Vagina lubrication

Women with dry vagina are advised to try goron tula as it stimulates the production of vagina wetness and is perfect for keeping the vagina area moist and wet. Goron Tula has been recommended for women who find it hard to reach orgasm. You need to chew about 5-10 pieces to feel the effect very well down there although depending on your body type, you may chew more or less before you get the result.

Boost fertility

Researchers believe that goron tula can be used as a fertility enhancer and it minimizes the dependence on synthetic drugs as fertility-enhancing

Gets rid of vagina odour.

Gorontula is good in getting rid of bad odour coming from the vagina as it serves as a vagina cleanser, helping to clean it.


This fruit will give you glutinous sensation when you chew it directly. It is sweet and chewy as well so that gorontula is also called “African Chewing Gum” fruit. Besides being eaten raw, you can also soak it in water to make jelly. Other method of consuming gorontula is by boiling it and relishing it into porridge.

How*to*use*Gorontula Seeds /Knot Apple*

Wash and soak in hot water for few minutes.

Open and remove the seed

You chew the flesh that's d outer part

For dryness in Vagina chew 4 -5 daily before love making after 30 minutes / 1 hour. You will discover you are lubricated and making love become more enjoyable for a great pleasure.

For any genital infections treatment ,chew 4-5 Gorontula seeds per day and drink warm water after chewing.

For  Male thick sperm ,ejaculation, low sperm count ,lasting on bed,Penis go hard,chewing 5 pieces of  Gorontula seeds daily and drink a cup of milk after chewing.

Depending on your body system the way you reacted to drugs.But is sweet honey silky juice u will chew then u throw d chaff and seed away after chewing as if you are chewing sugar cane,This natural fruits can be taken anytime anywhere and you can chew as many as you like Because it is sweet in nature without no side effects.