antique toy world magazine v.25 no.5 May 1995. toy Clown cover Antique Toy World magazine is typically chocked full of the finest examples of toys for sale or show.  A wealth of contact information for the novice collector to explore, and for the seasoned expert to revisit!  Condition overall is "Very Good".  Within the pages of any Antique Toy World you can find Gamma, Yonezawa, Bandai, Kaname Sangyo, Marklin, JNF, Distler, Marx, Lionel, Joustra, Tippco, Schuco, Polistil, Bosica, TN, Nomura, hand painted, lithography, pressed steel, windup, battery, Spin Dizzy, Dooling, Testers, Monogram, Tamara, Berkley, Evinrude, Johnson, McCoy, Forester, pulse jet, Harley, Indian, and all the other toy manufacturers and accessory companies.