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Honeybee on Apple iOS 12.1 YOU GET 10 BIG Drones  {{ DRIED }}  SPECIMEN BEES 

     10 ITALIAN Drone HONEY BEES  in a Sealed Cotton Lined  Box

Free Swarovski Crystals Save The Bees necklace.
They are suitable for photography, taxidermy painting, and more!
All Bees have died of natural causes. 
*** Unmounted insects must be re hydrated prior to mounting them. Please make sure you know how to do so before purchasing, otherwise you might break them. There are fragile*** 

  All Bees Very In Size.            


Bees Must Be Re hydrated to be pinned.

Apis mellifera ligustica is the Italian bee which is a subspecies of the western honey bee. The Italian honey bee is thought to originate from the continental part of Italy, south of the Alps, and north of Sicily. The subspecies may have survived the last Ice Age in Italy. It is genetically a different subspecies than that from the Iberian peninsula and from Sicily. It is the most widely distributed of all honey bees, and has proven adaptable to most climates from subtropical to cool temperate, but it is less successful in humid tropical regions. It is sometimes called the Ligurian bee.  We Save Bees.

 dessi-school-hi.png  WE GOT THE BUG'S    Honeybee on Apple iOS 12.1 We Save Bees.png 

All Sales Help Save Bees

Free,  Free🍁   MILLION DOLLAR  HONEY BEE  BILL   🍁 Free,  Free

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Bee Icon - Beesponsible


Bees pollinate our fields, orchards and gardens — providing nearly one-third of the food we eat. They bring sweetness to our lives. But bees face serious threats and need our help. Rent-A-Hive is the way we keep them healthy and around. Explore our site to learn about this important pollinator, the simple yet powerful things you can do to  supports our cause.