
CLEANSE & DEODORIZE THE AIR YOU BREATHE - Himalayan Natural Crystal Salt Lamp when warms, it attracts humidity and the surface of the salt crystal becomes damp. Negative ions build up and then released. Crystal salt lamps bind the excessive positive ions with their negative ions. The ions cleanse the air of harmful elector smog and other toxins. Known as Nature's Ionizers. Salt Crystal Lamps eliminate a host of indoor air pollutants.
REDUCE ALLERGY & ASTHMA SYMPTOMS - Negative ionized air drastically reduces the number of indoor airborne bacteria and dust.Negative ions also benefit asthma patients, people with chronic lung illnesses, and allergy sufferers. As well, they help improve learning, memory, and emotional well being. By creating a balance of ions in the air, they stimulate natural drive and healthy energy. Their colors create a pleasantly calming and warm environment.
NEUTRALIZE ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION (EM) - As they emit negative ions into the air, Rakaposhi Himalayan salt lamps work to neutralize electromagnetic radiation which flows from our electronics. Constant exposure to EM radiation is known to cause chronic fatigue, decrease the body’s immune response, and increase stress levels among other things.
UNIQUELY HANDMADE & CARVED SALT ROCK SHELL - It is extracted directly from The Himalayan Mountains in Pakistan. Due to natural variations in Himalayan crystal salt weight, size, color, and shape may vary. 
Use them in your bedroom Kitchen, living room, hallways, meditation room, therapy room, waiting room, or anywhere you need positive energy. They are especially useful near your television, or any energy emitting device.

