This plastic turban shell (sea snail) toy replica is 2 inches long and is made of hard plastic. It is sturdy and durable. The shell is tan in color with a shiny, pearlescent sheen that reflects the light. See our other sea shell reproductions to complete your project or collection.

Discover the enchanting beauty of the Pearlized Wavy Turban Shell, a mesmerizing treasure from the ocean's depths. This exquisite shell, with its unique spiral structure and iridescent sheen, captivates the eye and sparks the imagination. Its gentle, flowing contours mirror the serene undulations of the sea, while its pearlized finish glimmers with a spectrum of subtle hues, evoking the mystical allure of the ocean. Ideal for enthusiasts of marine biology and conchology, this shell symbolizes the intricate beauty of nature's creations. The lustrous, wave-like ridges of the shell are a testament to its natural elegance, making it a sought-after piece for collectors and admirers of natural wonders. Embrace the tranquil beauty of the sea with the Pearlized Wavy Turban Shell.

Thanks for visiting Collectible Wildlife Gifts, the leading provider of high-quality, lifelike animal Designs and gifts! We work hard to ensure we have a diverse range of products. Each product is inspected for their quality craftsmanship. Whether you're searching for a great gift or seeking educational designs for displays, we’ve got you covered.

At Collectible Wildlife Gifts, our products appeal to a wide range of customers, including family, friends, and educators. Our products are trusted and used by professional organizations as well including aquariums, zoos, and movie studios.

Our extensive line of products boasts everything from plush sharks to educational animal growth cycles. Our products bring joy to recipients, and serve as valuable educational resources, sparking curiosity and fostering learning.

Discover the wonders of the natural world with Collectible Wildlife Gifts. Browse our collection today!