Schilling, Bernard edit. Essential Articles: English Augustan Backgrounds.
Hamden Archon Books : 1961 Hardcover. Good octavo 
418 pp Prose Style, Couplet Verse, Satiric Genre, Theory and General Ideas 

Attic prose style in the seventeenth century / Morris Croll , Res et verba : words and things / A.C. Howell, Science and English prose style in the third quarter of the seventeenth century / R.F. Jones, 
The attack on pulpit eloquence in the restoration / R.F. Jones , Senecan style in the sevevteenth century / George Williamson, Ben Jonson and the classical school / Felix Schelling, 
The development of the rhetoric and metre of the heroic couplet, especially in 1625-45 / Ruth Wallerstein , A note in defence of satire / Louis Bredvold, The structural design of the formal verse satire / Mary C. Randolph,
Distrust of imagination in English neo-classicism / Donald F. Bond, The tendency toward Platonism in neo-classical esthetics / Louis Bredvold , Science and criticism in the neo-classical age of English literature / R.F. Jones,
Rules and English critics of the epic, 1650-1800 / H.T. Swedenberg, Jr., Native elements in English neo-classicism / Paul S. Wood, 
The opposition to neo-classicism in England between 1660 and 1700 / Paul S. Wood.