Because of Glinda Good-witch and her evil sister, the Wicked Witch of the West (in the Wizard of Oz), we learned at an early age that all witches could fly.  Of course, serious study reveals that the truth behind these "flying witches" refers to the ability to dream, shape-shift, and/or astral project.  To accomplish this, trance-inducing potions and unguents (ointments or salves) were made from herbs known as entheogens.      

   While considered a lost art, there are still a few practitioners of the old religion who retain this knowledge.  An herbalist, for over 40 years, Lady Demeter has the knowledge and experience necessary to work with the Saturian herbs used in traditional Flying Ointment.  The ointment is made in small batches and it is ritualistically charged.  For these reasons, it may not always be available.  

   Packaged in a dark blue, 1 ounce jar, our Flying Ointment is a vegetarian product- no animals were harmed to make this product. (No, you do not have to add eye of newt, bat's blood or children's fat (!) to the recipe - these ingredients were blinds [or magick names for plants] used to trick the uninitiated).  The use of this ointment is intended for spiritual purposes; for shamanic work, vision questing and to obtain guidance from the spiritual realms.  It is for the use of the serious student or initiate in a ritual setting.  It is best to have an elder assist you with this type of work.  All experiences are unique to the individual and will vary.  Ointment can be stored for 2 years or longer and may be kept in the refrigerator or freezer. 

    Historically, a small Amount of Ointment was applied to pulse points on the body or massaged into the feet.  This product is not intended for recreational use.  Use according to instructions: We assume no responsibility for the misuse of this product.  Contact us with any questions. 

  Caution:  Sold as curio only.  Buy purchasing you agree that we assume no liability for the misuse of this product as outlined herein.  Do a patch test before allowing it to touch your skin.  Avoid if you are allergic to morphine.  Keep away from women who are pregnant or nursing. Keep away from those who are driving or operating machinery.  Avoid if you suffer from chronic medical conditions, including a compromised immune system, heart, lung, liver or kidney disease. This product is not for frequent use.    Do not ingest.  Do not apply to face; do not put in mouth or mucous membranes.  Protect pets and children from coming in contact with this product.

   All purchases come with a free "thank you!" gift.