




This really is a superb collection of old books, covering all aspects of the honey bee and keeping bees (apiculture): discover the anatomy of the bee itself, uses of honey, recipes using honey, how to capture swarms, beeswax, beehives, medicinal uses of honey, the history of bee-keeping, propogation, management techniques, queen-rearing......the information is endless! Overall, this encyclopaedic compilation is quite simply a must for the beginner and advanced bee-keeper alike.



This truly unique collection of full, original vintage books have all been professionally scanned in high quality, compiled and preserved forever in pdf format on a DVD data disc.



This superb DVD contains 261 titles in total, providing thousands upon thousands of pages of great content and fabulous illustrations. All of the files are presented in pdf format, easy to read on your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or Kindle / ebook reader.



The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows:


A bee-keeper's year-book - D. Adair (1872)

A book about bees. Their history, habits, and instincts; together with the first principles of modern bee-keeping for young readers by C. Jenyns (1886)

A book about the bee - H. Mace (1921)

A dictionary of practical apiculture by J. Phin (1884)

A key to successful bee-keeping being a treatise on the most profitable method of managing bees, including the author's new system of artificial swarming by M. Metcalf (1862)

A manual for New Zealand bee keepers - W. Cotton (1848)

A manual of bee-keeping - J. Hunter (1875)

A manual or An easy method of managing bees - J. Weeks (1837)

A modern bee-farm and its economic management - S. Simmins (1914)

A new system of bee-keeping; adapted to the habits and characteristics of the honey-bee by D. L. Adair (1867)

A practical treatise on the hive and honey-bee - L. Langstroth (1859)

A practical treatise on the hive and honey-bee - L. Langstroth (1865)

A profitable instruction of the perfite ordering of bees - T. Hill (1579)

A Sure way to order bees and fruit-trees, or, A compleat bee-master - J. Worlidge (1726)

A thousand answers to beekeeping questions - C. Miller (1917)

A thousand answers to beekeeping questions (3rd Ed.) - C. Miller (1919)

A treatise on bee-culture - J. McDonald (1868)

A treatise on the breeding and management of bees - J. Keys (1814)

A treatise on the nature, economy, and practical management, of bees - R. Huish (1817)

A year among the bees - C. Miller (1891)

A year's work in an out-apiary - G. Doolittle (1908)

Advanced bee-culture - methods and management - W. Hutchinson (1918)

Advanced bee-culture, its methods and management - W. Hutchinson (1911)

Alexander's writings on practical bee culture - E. Alexander (1910)

An easy method of managing bees in the most profitable manner to their owner by J Bradt (1869)

An improved system of propagating the honey bee by J. S. Harbison (1860)

Apiary experiments. Foundation in comb building - C. Gillette (1900)

Apiculture in British Columbia by L. Harris (1913)

Apiculture Moderne by A. L. Clement (1907)

Apiculture the double-hive, non-swarming system by G. A. Stockwell (1891)

Australian bee lore and bee culture - A. Gale (1912)

Bee culture - C. Miller (1901)

Bee culture; or, Successful management of the apiary - T. Newman (1879)

Bee hunting. A book of valuable information for bee hunters - J. Lockard (1908)

Bee keeping (1919)

Bee Keeping by F. Benton (1905)

Bee Keeping by J. Cumming (1864)

Bee Keeping by U. Topperwein (1912)

Bee Keeping for Beginners by J. P. H. Brown (1898)

Bee Keeping for Profit by L. E. Cotton (1880)

Bee Keeping in Maryland by T. B. Symons (1911)

Bee keeping in Porto Rico by W. V. Tower (1911)

Bee keeping in Rhode Island by A. C. Miller (1911)

Bee primer for the prospective beekeeper - C. Dadant (1914)

Bee-breeding in the West - T. Affleck (1841)

Bee-culture - F. Jacobsen (1920)

Bee-culture - I. Hopkins (1909)

Beehives and bee keepers' appliances - P. Hasluck (1911)

Beekeeping - a discussion of the life of the honeybee and of the production of honey - E. Phillips (1915)

Bee-keeping for beginners - W. Chitty (1903)

Bee-keeping for beginners by J. P. H. Brown (1898)

Beekeeping for Connecticut - A. Yates (1918)

Beekeeping for New Hampshire - W. Wolff (1921)

Bee-keeping for Profit by W. S. Morley (1914)

Bee-keeping for sedentary folk, or for professional people by T. C. Potter (1908)

Bee-keeping for the many - J. Payne (1870)

Beekeeping for West Virginia - C. Reese (1917)

Beekeeping Guide to Bees and Honey (1918)

Beekeeping in Arkansas - W. Baerg (1920)

Beekeeping in Colorado - N. Boggs (1922)

Beekeeping in Kansas - J. Merill (1922)

Bee-keeping in North Carolina. A study of some statistics on the industry, with suggestions and conclusions by F. J. Sherman (1908)

Beekeeping in Tasmania - G. Bingham (1921)

Beekeeping in Tennessee - G. Bentley (1913)

Beekeeping in the interior of British Columbia (1922)

Beekeeping in the Kootenays, British Columbia - W. Sheppard (1918)

Beekeeping in the South - K. Hawkins (1920)

Bee-keeping in Victoria, Australia by F. R. Beuhne  (1915)

Bee-keeping in war-time - W. Herrod-Hempsall (1918)

Beekeeping in Wisconsin - N. France (1916)

Beekeeping practice in North Carolina - E. Carr (1917)

Bee-keeping simplified for the cottager and smallholder - W. Herrod-Hempsall (1922)

Beekeeping. Rapid increase of colonies for restocking purposes (1910)

Beekeeping; a discussion of the life of the honeybee and of the production of honey - E. Phillips (1915)

Bees - E. Phillips (1911)

Bees - their natural history and general management - R. Huish (1844)

Bees & bee-keeping - F. Cheshire (1886)

Bees & bee-keeping - scientific and practical Vol. 1 - F. Cheshire (1886)

Bees & bee-keeping - scientific and practical Vol. 2 - F. Cheshire (1886)

Bees & fruit - A. Root (1893)

Bees and bee-keeping by W. Harbison (1860)

Bees and honey - A. I. Root (1883)

Bees and honey, or, The management of an apiary for pleasure and profit - T. Newman (1892)

Bees and wasps - O. Latter (1913)

Bees for pleasure and profit - G. Samson (1921)

Bees; their habits, management and treatment - J. Wood (1860)

Beginner's bee book - F. Pellett (1919)

Bramble-bees and others - J. Fabre (1915)

British bee-farming; its profits and pleasures - J. Robinson (1880)

British bee-keeper's guide book - T. Cowan (1911)

British bee-keeper's practical notebook - T. Cowan (1908)

British bees - an introduction to the study of the natural history and economy of the bees indigenous to the British Isles - W. Shuckard (1866)

Brood diseases of bees - B. Gates (1910)

Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in the collection of the British museum - F. Smith (1855)

Collected leaflets on bee keeping by The British Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries (1922)

Comb honey - G. Demuth (1912)

Constructive beekeeping - E. Clark (1918)

Cuba as a bee country - A. I. Root Company (1903)

Dadant system of beekeeping - C. Dadant (1920)

Das buch von der biene - J. Witzgall (1898) (German)

Determination of age in honey-bees - H. Pixell-Goodrich (1920)

Diseases of bees - G. White (1900)

Dr. Lampe's Bienenzucht - Populäres handbuch der anatomie, zucht, pflege und sämtlicher krankheiten der bienen - C. Lampe (1909) (German)

Dzierzon's rational bee-keeping - Dzierzon (1882)

Eddy on bee-culture, and the protective bee-hive - H. Eddy (1854)

Effects of artificial foundations on the building of honey comb - C. Gillette (1900)

Elements of beekeeping - H. Niswonger (1919)

Entomology. Bees. Comprehending the uses and economical management of the honey-bee of Britain and other countries - W. Dunbar (1855)

Essay on bee keeping, or, An easy method of managing bees in the most profitable manner to their owner - J. Bradt (1869)

Every step in beekeeping - a book for amateur and professional - B. Douglass (1921)

Facts about bees - E. Root (1907)

Facts about honey by C. P. Dadant (1916)

Facts about honey by F. W. L. Sladen (1920)

Fifty years among the bees - C. Miller (1911)

First lessons in beekeeping - C. Dadant (1918)

Forty years among the bees - C. Miller (1903)

Forty-two years of bee-keeping in New Zealand, 1874-1916; some reminiscences by I. Hopkins (1916)

Guide to bee-keeping in British Columbia by F. D. Todd (1911)

Handbook of gardening for New Zealand, with chapters on poultry and bee-keeping by M. Murphy (1888)

Harbison's California adjustable comb hive - W. Harbison (1860)

Honey and health; a nutrimental, medicinal and historical commentary by B. F. Beck (1921)

Honey and some of the ways it may be used by C. B. Gooderham (1918)

Honey flora of Victoria by F. R. Beuhne (1922)

Honey for money (1888)

How to grow queens - W. Kelley (1910)

How to handle bees - J. Anderson (1920)

How to keep bees - A. Miller (1918)

How to keep bees for profit - D. Lyon (1910)

How to keep bees; a handbook for the use of beginners - A. Comstock (1905)

How to make honey-cream  a mixture of high-test sweet cream and extracted honey by P. H. Tracy (1932)

How to produce extracted honey by G. W. Phillips (1904)

Illustrated catalog of honey labels - A. I. Root (1920)

Instruction in bee-keeping for the use of Irish bee-keepers (1905)

Investigations pertaining to Texas beekeeping. Experiments in artificial division and swarm-control (1913)

Isle of Wight disease in hive bees - J. Rennie (1921)

Kritische geschichte der meinungen von dem geschlechte der bienen - J. Spitzner (1795) (German)

Langstroth on the hive & honey bee by L. L. Langstroth (1919)

Langstroth on the hive and the honey-bee, a bee-keeper's manual - L. Langstroth (1853)

Management of bees; care of bees in spring - F. Jager (1919)

Manual of the apiary - A. Cook (1880)

Miscellaneous papers on apiculture - United States Bureau of Entomology (1911)

Modern queen-rearing - M. Pritchard (1916)

Money in bees in Australasia. A practical treatise on the profitable management of the honey bee in Australasia - T. Rayment (1916)

My bee book - W. Cotton (1842)

Mysteries of bee-keeping explained  being a complete analysis of the whole subject - M. Quinby (1853)

Mysteries of beekeeping explained - M. Quinby (1918)

Notes on the distribution and bibliography of North American bees - F. Lutz (1920)

Observations and experiments bearing on Isle of Wright disease of hive bees - J. Anderson (1916)

Observations on bees and wasps - J. Lubbock (1876)

Observations on the natural history of bees - F. Huber (1841)

On the mite (Acarapis woodi, Rennie) associated with Isle of Wight bee disease - S. Hirst (1921)

Outapiaries and their management - M. Dadant (1919)

Pleasurable Bee-keeping by C. N. White (1895)

Porto Rican beekeeping - United States Dept. of Agriculture (1914)

Practical advice to beginners in bee-keeping by J. Tinsley (1916)

Practical beekeeping - R. Benton (1907)

Practical bee-keeping being plain instructions to the amateur for the successful management of the honey bee by F.R. Cheshire (1879)

Practical beekeeping designed for the use of the beginner and small apiarist - R. Benton (1907)

Practical hints on bee culture - D. Arnold (1874)

Practical hints to bee-keepers - C. Muth (1881)

Practical queen rearing - F. Pellet (1918)

Productive bee-keeping; modern methods of production and marketing of honey by F. C. Pellet (1918)

Profitable bee-keeping for small-holders and others by H. Geary (1917)

Progressive bee culture, or Apine instincts and labors defined - D. Adair (1872)

Proving of the Apis mellifica, or, Poison of the honey bee (1852)

Queen rearing - G. Matthews (1920)

Queen rearing simplified - J. Smith (1921)

Queen-rearing in England - F. Sladen (1913)

Quinby's new bee-keeping. The mysteries of bee-keeping explained by M. Quinby (1919)

Rational bee-keeping and the prevention of Acarine disease by A. M. Sturges (1922)

Rearing of queen bees - United States Bureau of Entomology (1905)

Rearing queen bees in Puerto Rico - R. Van Zwaluwenburg (1918)

Report on the A. & M. College apiary. Together with practical suggestions in modern methods of bee keeping as applied to Texas conditions by F. W. Mally (1902)

Scientific queen-rearing as practically applied - For the amateur and veteran in bee-keeping by G. Doolittle (1889)

Secrets of bee-keeping - K. Kidder (1865)

Some of the essentials of beekeeping - B. Gates (1912)

Southern bee culture - J. Wilder (1908)

Starting right with bees - H. Rowe (1922)

Structure and development of the compound eye of the honey bee - E. Phillips (1905)

Sugar, molasses and sirup, confections, honey and beeswax by H. W. Wiley (1892)

Swarm control - G. Demuth (1920)

Texas beekeeping - L. Scholl (1912)

The ABC and XYZ of bee culture; a cyclopedia of everything pertaining to the care of the honey-bee; bees, hives, honey, implements, honey-plants, etc. by A. I. Root (1910)

The ABC of bee culture - a cyclopaedia of every thing pertaining to the care of the honey-bee - A. Root (1884)

The American apiculturist Vol. 1 (1883)

The American apiculturist Vol. 2 (1884)

The American apiculturist Vol. 3 (1885)

The American apiculturist Vol. 4 (1886)

The American apiculturist Vol. 5 (1887)

The American apiculturist Vol. 6 (1888)

The American apiculturist Vol. 8 (1890)

The American apiculturist Vol. 9 (1891)

The American apiculturist Vol. 10 (1892)

The American bee keeper's manual - T. Miner (1849)

The American bee keeper's manual (2nd Edition) - T. Miner (1850)

The Anatomy of The Honey Bee by R. E. Snodgrass (1910)

The antient bee-master's farewell, or, Full and plain directions for the management of bees to the greatest advantage - J. Keys (1796)

The apiarian's manual - containing all that is important in the natural history of bees, or useful in their practical management - T. Howatson (1827)

The apiary; or, Bees, bee-hives, and bee culture - A. Neighbour (1865)

The auditory sense of the honey-bee by N. E. McIndoo (1922)

The bee (1831)

The bee and white ants, their manners and habits - D. Lardner (1856)

The bee keeper's guide - J. Payne (1846)

The bee-keeper's directory, or, The theory and practice of bee culture, in all its departments - J. Harbison (1861)

The bee-keeper's guide  or Manual of the apiary - A. Cook (1910)

The bee-keeper's guide, or Manual of the apiary - A. Cook (1894)

The bee-keeper's manual - H. Taylor (1860)

The bee-keeping in Victoria, Australia - F. Beuhne (1913)

The bee-master of Warrilow - T. Edwardes (1907)

The book of bee-keeping - a practical and complete manual on the proper management of bees - W. Webster (1901)

The book of bee-keeping (second edition) - W. Webster (1905)

The book of the honey bee by C. Harrison (1903)

The children's Life of the bee - M. Maeterlinck (1919)

The cottage bee keeper - P. Filluel (1851)

The embryology of the honey bee by J. A. Nelson (1915)

The farmers' guide to bee keeping by H. M. Johnson (1872)

The farmer's manual - together with remarks on gardening, and a treatise on the management of bees - F. Butler (1819)

The fungi of the bee-hive - A. Betts (1912)

The habits of the honeybee - E. Phillips (1914)

The handy book of bees - being a practical treatise on their profitable management - A. Pettigrew (1875)

The hive and the honey-bee - H. Richardson (1849)

The hive bee - E. Smith (1918)

The honey bee - a manual of instruction in apiculture - F. Benton (1895)

The honey bee - its natural history, physiology, and management - E. Bevan (1827)

The honey bee - T. James (1852)

The honey bee by W. D. Wright (1913)

The honey-bee; its nature, homes and products - W. Harris (1884)

The Honey-makers by M. W. Morley (1899)

The humble-bee  its life-history and how to domesticate it - F. Sladen (1912)

The illustrated Australasian bee manual and complete guide to modern bee culture in the Southern Hemisphere - I. Hopkins (1911)

The importance of honey production by E. R. Root (1918)

The Italian system of bee keeping by A. J. Danyell (1876)

The Life of the Bee - M. Maeterlinck (1902)

The lore of the honey-bee by T. Edwardes (1909)

The management of bees - S. Bagster (1834)

The mason-bees - J. Fabre (1914)

The monarchy of the bees - W. Simpkin (1822)

The national beekeeper's directory - H. Alley (1889)

The natural history of bees - G. Bazin (1744)

The new bee-keepers' text-book - A. King (1887)

The Pearce new method of bee keeping by J. A. Pearce (1915)

The practical bee guide; a manual of modern beekeeping - J. Digges (1921)

The practical bee-master - J. Keys (1780)

The pyramidal bee-hive - P. Du Couëdic de Villeneuve (1829)

The races of honey bees and their characteristics - R. Hutson (1921)

The rearing of queen bees - E. Phillips (1905)

The relation of phototropism to swarming in the honey-bee - D. Minnich (1920)

The roller entrance bottom board which makes bee-keeping pleasant and profitable by C. G. Schamu (1914)

The successful honey producer - S. Simmins (1902)

The Swarm from The Life of the Bee - M. Maeterlinck (1906)

The Townsend bee book  or, How to make a start in bees - E. Townsend (1914)

Tips and pointers on successful beekeeping - P. Ullman (1922)

Wild bees, wasps and ants and other stinging insects - E. Saunders (1907)

Wintering bees - E. Root (1913)

Wintering bees in Canada - F. Sladen (1920)

Wintering bees in four-hive boxes by M. Pettit (1909)

Wintering bees in Iowa - F. Pellett (1914)



The most amazing and comprehensive collection of books on bee-keeping available on eBay today!



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For some devices you may need to convert the pdf files. A free program called Calibre can be used to do this and can be included on the DVD if requested.


Please note that this is a data DVD that will contain all of the books, documents and material listed in this auction. It will work in a laptop or computer but will not work on a DVD player or audio CD player.

* Main photo is for illustration purposes only - additional photos are example pages from the books included on the disc * 



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