Please be advised - This is a cheat and as such is against the terms of use, could possibly be detected and could possibly result in items being removed or a ban. As such any cheating is at risk of the user, and I cannot be held responsible should something happen to your account in the future. Please bare this in mind before purchasing and decide if it is worth the risk to you. This is the case with ANY cheat not just mine. By buying this item, you agree to take the risk and as such no refund will be offered.

This Cheat pack contains 
10,000 Gold 
10,000,000 R$ points
10,000,000 M$ points 

Your account needs to be linked to Facebook as this is the only way to login from a different device. I'll need your login details (email address and password) to add the gold and points, please add these in a note to seller when completing checkout. Please also ensure you've saved recently by going to "Options, Cloud Save, Backup To Cloud".

I'll add everything as soon as possible after payment, usually within two hours. Thanks.

After you've clicked buy it now, there will be a page stating "review your purchase" on this page there will be blue writing with "Add Message" click this and then add your details. Then you just need to click continue and finish payment. Please see the picture for clarification.