This item is for 1 card only. You can buy more than one, just select the quantity and multiply that number by the price. Shipping is a flat rate of $6 for any amount you buy.

When purchasing, select the number of cards you want and type in which numbers in the message box during checkout or through the eBay messaging system from the available ones below.

Updated 04/23/24

Here are the PSA 8 ones:

181 Fred Beene

271 Jerry Moses

274 Vicente Romo

305 Jim Colborn

342 Leroy Stanton

368 Vic Albury

457 Mario Mendoza

The following are also available but graded PSA 9(OC). Please note, the OC designation means the cards below are off centered. They still achieved the 9 grade because the cards look good with sharp corners, good surface and borders but the centering wasn't even.

24 Al Fitzmorris

233 Billy Grabarkewitz

272 Lynn McGlothen

323 Fred Holdsworth

348 Tony Muser

353 Luis Melendez

474 Luke Walker

496 Pepe Frias

557 Larry Gura